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What Do You Spend Scrap Cash On?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    t00nces2 started this thread.
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    What Do You Spend Scrap Cash On?

    I was wondering what you did with your cash you get from scrapping. I consider my scrap cash as "found money" and as such I try to put it away for later. My poison of choice is PM's. This is my newest piece, because I did not have a Panda, but I am working towards a $20 St. Gauden.

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  3. #2
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    i spend on luxuries like lights, water, fuel, groceries etc

  4. #3
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I try to save every bit I can........I have no retirement plan except for whatever money I can save..........I live cheap although I did splurge a little this summer went to the Smokey Mountains a couple of times once with the kids and twice with the wife.............LOL

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    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    Google first ask questions later!

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    wadarbr549's Avatar
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    when i am working out of the labors union i do the same as the op mentioned, i look at my scrap money as free money.. i will use it for some type of luxury, ill either buy some cool tools i dont have to have but i really want,,sometimes ill get my ole lady something nice or just something like a small trip for her and the kids,,,also there have been several times in the past that my step daughter has needed four wheeler tires or a phone and i will let her help me unload, load, and seperate then i will give her the money she needs plus some..

    the reason for this is i usually only get items from work or ill pick things up on my way to and from work..this means i have nothing invested in this scrap, not even gas money...ive actually been on construction jobs and have been paid to take metal and lumber before....sometimes i even get to use there trucks, gas, and do it on the clock

    at times like the present when im surviving by scraping and ebaying i use my scrap money as normal income,,you know lights , food, and tools i have to have

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  10. #6
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Whatever I want cuz the wife don't get my scrap money....
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  12. #7
    Ironhunter's Avatar
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    The dang credit card..
    Urban Mining: When people give you free money.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    What money? I'm married!

    Like MS I spend it on life. Wife ain't happy if no power. LOL

    It also goes back into the business as I do this full time. I don't rely on free stuff. I get a lot free but I still pay out to. Once the responsible stuff is taken care of, I sock some away for our mini-vacation/road trips. Like Disney next year. Then I fill the cooler, an fill the cooler again..takes money to keep to it fed an full! Ice don't grow on tree's people!

    When I do *spending* goes to dinner out with the wife, more charcoal, tools, the bit of gaming I do, etc.

    I do a lot of free things out on the beach. Visit the sand dunes, go to the sound. Living on a sandbar is as expensive as you make it. I don't do movies out but rarely due to the cost. cheaper to go have a fancy meal somewhere then go to the movies these days. Redbox, Netflix, an the internet provide my movie fix.

    Sirscrapalot - If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking. - George S. Patton

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  16. #9
    snapperhead's Avatar
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    I run a tab with my yard and buy all the precious metal bearing stuff I can with any credit. Everything is reinvested to get high grade scrap.

    It's a kind of mechanical alchemy, turning low grade steel and other metals into gold, silver and palladium eventually.

    I dont sell anything non ferrous anyway, almost all gets made into ingots and hoarded away in the ingot rack.
    If it wasn't for the laws of physics, I would be unstoppable.

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  18. #10
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    It's mostly on him but sometimes it's on this next guy or more scrap , I have also been known to buy groceries and gas

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  20. #11
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Scrapping cash goes into what ever the wife wants. If anything is left over I buy tools, equipment, and supplies. I should be able to afford a screw driver next week. Next year the goal is to buy a crescent wrench. I know it is a lofty goal, but you need to set your goals high.

  21. #12
    phred59's Avatar
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    my answer truthfully.... i buy more computer lots to scrap/resell/refurb etc. each lot is bigger than the last. i get a lot for free but you know some of the creme de la creme doesn't come without cost. I am not big time, i work in my garage. i have a full time job and another side business, so i don't "need" to do this... i like to. eventually i will either buy as much gold and silver as i can, or pay off my house. or both, who knows? i don't plan that far ahead lol
    Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana - Bill Gates

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  23. #13
    KIWI's Avatar
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    Hi so far all my scrap money has gone back into machinery .The first purchase was a mapel 2hp wire stripper then a cordless grinder and sawsill.I was collecting so much scrap that the missus was getting p off with this all over the place so I had to buy a 20ft sea container and a metal drop saw.Now this is the most exciting purchase I just brought a ams 400 granulator witch will save time and make the most out of shipping as I have to sea frieght all my scrap nearly 3 thousand kilometers to the main land to sell.At this stage this shall be all I need for a while and it has all been paid for from scrap, maybe a pre shredder is all I need in the future.Ive still got about 12 tonne or so to strip and that will go on house renovations maybe a second story and balcony.This has only taken 2 years the home renos are a five year plan , well thats my goal any way so far so good.Happy scraping.

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  25. #14
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    Last years money paid for our 7 day honeymoon to Cancun Mexico.

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    More scrap

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    When I was laid up it helped pay bills, now it goes toward a fishing trip for me and another vacation for both of us

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    Last edited by eesakiwi; 08-15-2014 at 10:45 PM.

  32. #18
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    Cool A Cat Story

    Today it was cat food, I'm house sitting (mom's) on annual tour of America (S. Dakota - this week). My daughter is actually doing the sitting and I check on her. She has a good "real/natural" Dad, he and her for three years in a roll stay at my mom's house. This has become the best thing for "our daughter", she has learned both Dad's have become best friends. Dad #1 is not the evil man, that mom wanted him to be for unknown reasons. The Dad's have this thing wired and Mom needs to know only that daughter is a very happy teen. The Dad's have college fund covered, our daughter is going to be the person she want's to be. Mom only needs to learn how to be a mom, she never wanted to be a mom. So she is learning from my mom, who raised nine (making her pretty **** good Mom teacher).

    Where do I spend my scrap money, all of it on my girls. Not on cats, they were going to get feed anyway! It's all about priorities and who is important to each of us. There is always a way to make life easier, it's called "work". Scrapping is just another way life can become easier if you work it!

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  34. #19
    pjost's Avatar
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    THE bigburtchino is in SD? If you are anywhere near hwy 12, I'll buy you a beer. or 3.
    Last edited by pjost; 08-15-2014 at 11:14 PM.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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  36. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by NHscrapman View Post
    Whatever I want cuz the wife don't get my scrap money....
    Same here

    I just bought a new rifle AR10. I also buy some silver coins from time to time. To save some money for family vacations

    Also pays for my hunting trips at the Of the year
    Last edited by Jax; 08-15-2014 at 11:51 PM.

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