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Speakers / Boards / Trailers

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    DevinThaScrapper started this thread.
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    Speakers / Boards / Trailers

    I have a few questions and instead of making separate posts I will put them all in one! So here they are.

    - Are speakers in tv's worth any money or are the magnets inside worth any money? Who can I sell these too if so? How much money would I be looking at for them?

    - How do you guys sort your boards? I just started sorting my boards between 2 catagories (totally clean mother boards) (Any other board [dirty]) I have no idea how to classify boards and no idea what the word low grade and high grade mean so I just do it like that... I peel everything off of the mother boards, but on the other boards I only take off the heat sinks and other little copper pieces. What can I do to make more money off of these? How can I sort them better? How do I grade boards? Note: These are from all different electronics from tv's to microwaves

    - A little off topic possibly but I am looking to buy a trailer after I get my truck and I was wondering what other expenses I should plan for besides the cost of buying the trailer itself. It will be a duel axel dump trailer most likely if that helps any...

    Thank you in advance for answering my questions it really helps!

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Someone didn't do their "homework". Maybe this will help a little but I wouldn't be stripping a lot of stuff off the m'boards until you figure out what is what.

    Speakers go in the shred pile.
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    pjost's Avatar
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    No idea on ewaste. What mech said.

    I have a Dual axle '14 foot dump trailer. If the one your looking at buying is like mine, it's 14k gross (two 7000lb. axles). So you need a high quality hitch, ball and pin. Don't get a cheapy. I think my hitch and ball is rated at 17K. Around $100 or so. I've had to replace the wiring harness, but that was my own stupidity. Dragging it down the road is hard on them.
    Replaced deep cycle battery, and probably put 5 tires on mine @ $175 a piece. Oh, and hydraulic fluid.
    So, shouldn't cost you anything off the bat, but the hitch. Also get ready to cut your MPG in half pulling that big thing around. Mine weighs 4000lbs empty.

    P.S. You'll need a brake controller also if your pickup doesn't have one already installed.
    P.P.S. Mine didn't come with a spare. So plan on dropping $225-250 on that.

    D*** it keep thinking of more things...don't forget Tax, Title and Lic.
    Last edited by pjost; 08-15-2014 at 07:34 PM.
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    wadarbr549 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    ive always wanted to try one of those brake controllers,,,,ive got 2 trailers with electric brakes and ive never been able to use the brakes...i love the convience of a reese hitch and i would not trade mine for the world...if you dont have one you really need to check your bumper out really good before you hook a big ole load onto it....i had a toyota 4 wheel drive years ago and i lost a trailor due to the whole rusty toyota problem

  7. #5
    DevinThaScrapper started this thread.
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    Sorry I wasn't clear enough! My yard makes me strip stuff off the mother boards or they will deduct a lot! They pay $1/lb for clean mother boards. Thanks for the tips about trailers.... That is a lot of expenses, but hopefully business stays well and It can pay for itself.

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevinThaScrapper View Post
    Sorry I wasn't clear enough! My yard makes me strip stuff off the mother boards or they will deduct a lot! They pay $1/lb for clean mother boards. Thanks for the tips about trailers.... That is a lot of expenses, but hopefully business stays well and It can pay for itself.
    ??? I'm getting a headache.

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  10. #7
    wadarbr549 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    it may be easier to not strip things off your motherboards and send them to a smf buyer for double or even more than double what you are getting locally.............i was real nervouse selling through the mail at first.....luckily i did ebay for a good while before i sold any boards....actually my first boards were sold on ebay......anyhow i looked locally and even thought about driving 4 or 5 hours to sell.....after i finally took the chance i realized i was worried for nothing........

    to each his own, im not nocking selling locally and im sure you have your reasons....maybe its something you could try sometime.....hey take the extra cash you get by shipping them and use it to buy that trailer

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  12. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Yea being as each MB pretty much weighs a lb..your giving up at lest another 1.50 in profit.

    Far as the speakers from tv's..I toss them in the shred pile most of the time. When I get good ones in, or bigger then normal I'll save some for reselling, or the magnets. I'd say 7 out of 10 end up with the shred.

    Computer speakers I sell like hot cakes on CL an via word of mouth. I know quite a few audiophiles that love rigging up speakers in their houses or man caves. Plus being on a sandbar they make a great source of out door speaker that don't cost a ton. If they get ruined..they know I'll always sell them more. I had agaylordfull of them at one point. Let us just say, I need to get more. LOL.

    I know some folks are hesitant to send out their stuff for money, but unless your getting a really good deal locally like some on here do, your leaving a lot of money on the table.

    Sirscrapalot - You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer. - Frank Zappa

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  14. #9
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    DUDE....SPEND THE TIME IN THE forum and get educated on the are getting HAMMERED if they are computer motherboards...SMH

    KNOW what you are doing before taking the "advice" of the YARD....they are the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR for paying you (ie they are local and have smaller amounts of competition) whereas things that are valuable enough to be SHIPPED allows you to PRICE SHOP and get the best pricing....

    Please PLEASE...spend the time and learn a bit more before allowing the yard to stick it to you again....
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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  16. #10
    phred59's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webuyselltradestuff View Post
    DUDE....SPEND THE TIME IN THE forum and get educated on the are getting HAMMERED if they are computer motherboards...SMH

    KNOW what you are doing before taking the "advice" of the YARD....they are the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR for paying you (ie they are local and have smaller amounts of competition) whereas things that are valuable enough to be SHIPPED allows you to PRICE SHOP and get the best pricing....

    Please PLEASE...spend the time and learn a bit more before allowing the yard to stick it to you again....
    what do you think your yard is probably doing with them? they're more than likely reselling that stuff... for the prices YOU should be getting. go read some of the forums, actually, go read some of the buyers pay sheets and judge for yourself
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  18. #11
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Yea when it comes to ewaste..I look at the yard like a pawn shop. I know they'll give me money for it, but it'll be the lowest amount offered 99.9% of the time.

    Now..I do business with a pawn shop, an they treat me fair, but I've built a relationship with them over the last couple of years. My yard..I love it to death but they still don't know squat when it comes to buying ewaste. They want the good stuff, they need to pay me the good money. Otherwise off to the buyers on here it goes.

    Sirscrapalot - That's my gift. I let that negativity roll off me like water off a duck's back. If it's not positive, I didn't hear it. If you can overcome that, fights are easy. - George Foreman

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  20. #12
    DevinThaScrapper started this thread.
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    I am always confused with these buyers they put 10 diff types of boards and I have no idea how to sort them! Btw these are all tv motherboards! I keep laptop ones to sell to online buyers but how much can I get online for mother boards? If any buyers are reading can u tell me how much I am looking at for a tv mother board (uncleaned) if I mail it into you? Thanks

  21. #13
    phred59's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    ??? I'm getting a headache.

    now i'm here too

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  23. #14
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevinThaScrapper View Post
    I am always confused with these buyers they put 10 diff types of boards and I have no idea how to sort them! Btw these are all tv motherboards! I keep laptop ones to sell to online buyers but how much can I get online for mother boards? If any buyers are reading can u tell me how much I am looking at for a tv mother board (uncleaned) if I mail it into you? Thanks
    First off, tv, vcr, boards are not motherboards!! Remember that when pricing or posting. Those are low grade or what we call brown boards.

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  25. #15
    DevinThaScrapper started this thread.
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    Thanks for clearing that up!

  26. #16
    PickerBenny is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I sell mine to a used computer store around me, its seperated by either "brown" or "green" boards, the green ones go for better money compared to brown boards.

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  27. #17
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    This is one of those threads that I hope others read. This is the reason why so many of us sit behind our screens and yell "READ THE OLD THREADS".

    Why read the old threads and not just answer a question because as you read you will learn stuff you didn't know enough you should ask.

    I have profited in this business because I have read and continue to read very nearly every thread ever written. When I started just a few years ago much of what is covered in this thread was unknown to the memebers. Because of this forum we are able to not just profit but become one fo the "middle men" moving much more product if that is of interest to you.

    A direct response to PickerBenny if you are still referring to boards as just green and brown you need to read a lot more.

    Best of luck to all. Thank you to all the members who have contributed to this thread I feel certain others will benefit when they read it. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  29. #18
    DevinThaScrapper started this thread.
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    Whatever works, if sorting boards green and brown brings in the $, than nice. And btw I have read old threads but all I can find is vague info on exact ally what I am asking but I'll dig deeper next time I guess....
    Last edited by DevinThaScrapper; 08-16-2014 at 01:53 PM.

  30. #19
    wadarbr549 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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  32. #20
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Mike you say things so much nicer then me. up folks. We're not just blowing smoke when we say to study the archives. I'll leave it at that. Mike an Mech said it much nicer an plainer then I could. So We'll just leave it at that.

    I will add..since Devin did mention it about the different types. If your not sure..drop a private message, or email to a buyer, an get it straight from the horses mouth if you would. Especially if your not sure on certain things like a large socket motherboard vs a small, etc. An not being mean, flippant or rude here, but seriously..Google is your friend. You can find much with just a simple google search an then click on images to see the item your asking about.

    Anyhow..I know some of you folks are just getting into the ewaste, but the answers are here for the most part. Not every one, but a majority!

    The buyers won't bite for the most part, an it's to their benefit to explain their ways an how they grade, so don't be afraid to ask them if you can't find the answer in a thread.

    So much for just leaving it at what Mike an Mech said...LOL.

    Sirscrapalot - Going all serious on ya..oh noe!

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