I can test it myself. The palladium arrived as dust because it was .88 grams, not enough for a button and that was in the paperwork. It makes sense, I depopped the boards ahead of time. And I meant FERROUS bracketry and screws. I had already removed aluminum and so forth. All material arrived in it's purist testable form for me according to my
amazon derived testing kit. The gold passed the 24k acid test with perfection. (I know it's not perfect but hey) I have no doubt it's weight and purity are exactly as prescribed that sort of thing is lawsuit material. I remove MLCCs and Ta Caps so I was surprised I received palladium at all let alone platinum. The gold arrived in buttons by lot, they separated that at my request.
I have to say, im a pessimist when it comes to business dealing all the time anyways so this was pleasant for me to have a good turn around. The material arrived at their door with connectors simply trimmed off, and lots of plastic bits they said nothing about. It wasn't really an ideal situation for either of us I suppose but I still had a good return. As for copper? Well how much could have been recovered? 100-120lbs I would suppose...I sent a major amount of material. But it's not like it was otherwise recoverable so I'm happy enough with that. I have a personal account for average returns by weight for SOME of the material now so at least I know what to expect if I deal with them again and it doesn't come back as expected. I emailed them today to notify them of another load and they responded with a process time of six to eight weeks this time. I expect that, I was a first time customer with these guys and the quick turn around was probably to give me a good feeling about the process.
Also...shhh I was trying to be semi-sneaky about the names and places.
The alternative is that I start refining myself...me and chemicals...hmmm.