Okay, one thing I have to say, yes I was sent a report. Take that with a grain of salt this is my first official dealing with them and from some other forums they are a bait and hook kind of company treating new customers with preference to get you as a repeat customer. I feel after having sat on this for a few days to choose my best response to the inquiries I should reaffirm and add a few things. I do not know what the rules are concerning refiners and publicizing on the boards here so for now I'll keep it to myself. But if your internet savvy you can figure it out based on my location.
One, DO NOT REFINE YOUR KNOWN BOARDS. You will not get as much money, it's just not going to happen. Mario can probably attest to the next thing. All material must be prepared for refining. Ferrous brackets and screws have to be removed, period. They rejected a bit of my material for this.
Refiners are like leprechauns...literally impossible to find and when you do find one there's always a catch. I have no idea if I was taken for a ride, I basically only turned in material my other receivers don't pay for or marginalize so much it's worth trying. Aura does not let you see the process but I can confirm they do it right inside that building. I've considered turning in known returns boards just to get the "this is too good to be true" vibe out of my system or look elsewhere.
To brasscatcher. No copper was not returned to me, nor was it on the assay. I received blobs of gold and so on much like this picture.
The palladium arrived as a gray dust in a small bag. Everything else came as buttons.
To turn all this in I would have to make an appointment and see a buyer, another assayer. It would be re assayed most likely, as well as they would want source paperwork. After that I would be paid a percentage of spot price based on purity and quantity. For me, this is my retirement, it's gold it doesn't depreciate like paper money so why would I get rid of it for a dollar now because it will get me many more dollars later when I actually need the money.
Hope that helps guys.