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A pleasant surprise.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    armygreywolf started this thread.
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    A pleasant surprise.

    For the second time since I began my focus on E scrap I've been pleasantly surprised. I recently sent in what amounts to an entire truckload (about 40 18x18x20 boxes) of misc. boards without an actual "grade" to them. I marked every box with the best content description I could and broke everything up into lots. Then the known stuff I bagged and tagged separately. The graphics cards so. The take was less than I wanted with the exception of silver, there really is a large amount of silver per lb of card. The market has been up and down but hey that's how it is. I dropped this material off on August 1st and today FedEx made me sign for (about ten minutes ago). The recovered gold, silver, palladium AND platinum. I thought I would get gold and silver...but I was returned everything they recovered. I sent in all kinds of things, bluetooth boards, telecom, solid state drives, laptop screen drivers, inputs drivers for lcd and plasma tvs, the gold strips for the same... hard drive boards, memory...lots of strange boards from pcmia cards, medical equipment, tablets, name it. I'm glad I did, my normal dealer wanted to buy the lot at 2.50/lb...half my return after the company cut. Shout out to Mudlucky, my first time dealing with these guys at this level and it's been good.

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  3. #2
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I'm confused so you got paid in precious metals and not cash?

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  5. #3
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Yes, some company's pay that way.

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  7. #4
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    We need to talk.

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  9. #5
    armygreywolf started this thread.
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    Yes, the company pays in precious metals. Two reasons for this, one...less paperwork for them, two it's up to me to report income when I sell the metal...and when. I have some advice for going this route...don't bother with known materials. Save your omg it's gold bucket for this and refine once a year or less then keep the return for when gold is up. The problem here is your entirely trusting the company is returning exactly the extraction amount prescribed in total. I'm currently looking to contract a small refiner for these purposes with no luck yet. I still have buckets of unknowns that at best will net me a buck a pound.

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  11. #6
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    The part on the bucket I do agree with. I have someone who will toll refine for me, it's just a matter of sending it off an having it done. Like Army said I do the same on the waiting. Rather just ship out once or twice, then a bunch of times. Then I'll hoard my gold till the time is right to sell!

    It's not for everyone. Me..I don't mind. I got a safe, an ways to protect it. I'm in no rush on cashing it so can sit an wait for the price to go up to where I'm good with selling it.

    I only have a "OMG IT"S GOLD!™"bucket..the rest..well maybe some day I'll have a silver, rhodium, etc bucket. Ha ha!

    Sirscrapalot - Is going to seriously start selling OMG IT'S GOLD!™ buckets.

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  13. #7
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by armygreywolf View Post
    Yes, the company pays in precious metals. Two reasons for this, one...less paperwork for them, two it's up to me to report income when I sell the metal...and when. I have some advice for going this route...don't bother with known materials. Save your omg it's gold bucket for this and refine once a year or less then keep the return for when gold is up. The problem here is your entirely trusting the company is returning exactly the extraction amount prescribed in total. I'm currently looking to contract a small refiner for these purposes with no luck yet. I still have buckets of unknowns that at best will net me a buck a pound.
    Are you allowed to relate the contact information regarding this company that pays in the recovered precious metals or would that be against the community forum posting rules?

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  15. #8
    FLimits's Avatar
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    I'm curious about how you convert those metals to cash. Where do you sell small quantities of precious metals? What kind of pricing do you get? Is there a market where you're able to get the existing spot price?

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  17. #9
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    i hope im not going off topic here
    dont want to derail the thread

    can anyone tell me if the ribbon thingies in the pic are also worth sending in?
    im trying to build up a some high value ewaste for my first ever shipment

    pls excuse the bad light
    its night & im in my room
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  19. #10
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    Less than a 30 day turn around to process boards and other various ewaste? What was your total weight that you sent? If you are going to make a post like this please share more info like what pct were mobos, finger cards....etc. I have never heard of a turn around time less than 45 days. Also were you paid out on copper content as well. Did you get an assay report with the metals that were returned to you stating how much of each metal was actually recovered? Also what was the refiners cut and at what pct did they pay out at ie... 97% gold, 97% silver etc. also what was the fee per pound of material? Hopefully it was not am estimate of what could be recovered as opposed to what actually was recovered. One last question....was your material represented at the refiner by someone or are you taking their word they were honest and did you receive a sample to have tested so you know the numbers are accurate?
    I am not pissing on your parade, just making sure you weren't taken advantage of.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  21. #11
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Yea seems a little off from what I have heard about the refining process...........I have only sold ewaste by the pound for cash so I am no expert............Would like to know more kinda interesting more than anything.........

  22. #12
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    When they return the metals, are they stamped to ID the metal, and its Carat amount(gold). Like jewelry is stamped.

    How much return are you talking here? I know small dollar amounts of these metals would return pretty small pieces of metal.

  23. #13
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I knew this topic would bring our wayward BC around.

    Sirscrapalot - Listens when it comes to such things.

  24. #14
    armygreywolf started this thread.
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    Okay, one thing I have to say, yes I was sent a report. Take that with a grain of salt this is my first official dealing with them and from some other forums they are a bait and hook kind of company treating new customers with preference to get you as a repeat customer. I feel after having sat on this for a few days to choose my best response to the inquiries I should reaffirm and add a few things. I do not know what the rules are concerning refiners and publicizing on the boards here so for now I'll keep it to myself. But if your internet savvy you can figure it out based on my location.

    One, DO NOT REFINE YOUR KNOWN BOARDS. You will not get as much money, it's just not going to happen. Mario can probably attest to the next thing. All material must be prepared for refining. Ferrous brackets and screws have to be removed, period. They rejected a bit of my material for this.

    Refiners are like leprechauns...literally impossible to find and when you do find one there's always a catch. I have no idea if I was taken for a ride, I basically only turned in material my other receivers don't pay for or marginalize so much it's worth trying. Aura does not let you see the process but I can confirm they do it right inside that building. I've considered turning in known returns boards just to get the "this is too good to be true" vibe out of my system or look elsewhere.

    To brasscatcher. No copper was not returned to me, nor was it on the assay. I received blobs of gold and so on much like this picture.

    The palladium arrived as a gray dust in a small bag. Everything else came as buttons.

    To turn all this in I would have to make an appointment and see a buyer, another assayer. It would be re assayed most likely, as well as they would want source paperwork. After that I would be paid a percentage of spot price based on purity and quantity. For me, this is my retirement, it's gold it doesn't depreciate like paper money so why would I get rid of it for a dollar now because it will get me many more dollars later when I actually need the money.

    Hope that helps guys.

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  26. #15
    ryanw's Avatar
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    If you're English savvy, you can find the name in your post too

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  28. #16
    ThatTubaDude's Avatar
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    A pleasant surprise.

    If you don't mind approx, what did you get of each metal in return? Like .3 oz of gold or 30oz?

  29. #17
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    Army I am glad that you are happy with what you recieved for your material and that is all that matters. Metals are a good investment for the future, just looking at 5 year charts will tell you this. As far as what was returned to you I would have that bag of palladium dust melted and assayed, metal should have been returned not powder. As far as the rest of the metals you recvd, it all should be able to be resold at spot price meaning your gold should be at least .9995 pure and silver should be .999 pure, if I remember correctly that is the industry standard. Especially if it came from a refiner. Maybe Etack can verify this for me.

    Another avenue to consider is setting aside some profit from selling ewaste and buy gold or silver rounds direct from one of the bigger metals dealers. You are going to pay a bit over spot price but it is a safer way of garunteeing you are getting industry standard precious metals.

    At SirS- Not wayward, just waylayed with too much work and not enough time in the day. Oh and you and the whole state of NC is on my **** list, since you are stealing a friend away from me

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  31. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Your loss is our gain.

    We'll take care of said friend dontcha worry.

    Now quit griping an come visit.

    Oh an buttons are AUsome. Yea..I went there.

    Sirscrapalot - I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did. - Yoggi Berra

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  33. #19
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    I wont add much but will say any refiner who is not open and clear on there site on what they charge will f you some how at some time. I buy gold all day long and I will buy it from 90 to 97% market price depending on lot amount and type of scrap it is.

    The real warring bells for me is

    "That means 100% recovery, no assay errors, total transparency and full recovery of other precious and non-ferrous metals from mixed-metal scrap"

    There is no such thing as 100% recovery there is a % loss and they are not being transparent in there loss ratio. Also they said non-ferrous, that means copper, AL and yea?

    Never take the assay they give you, always have a 3ed party company that will do the assay on the lot.....

    My over all thought.....warring bells a ringing!!

    The industry standard is 0.9999 pure (called 4 9ner)
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  34. #20
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    4 9ner...49ers...Gold Rush! hehehe. Sorry couldn't resist.

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