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Ohhh myyy gawwwd! Out of the blue job offer!!! (UPDATED #29)!!!!!! - Page 5

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #81
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Lets talk about foil. *gag* so far I haven't had to do cans which is a blessing, even though they let 3 people go and I'm low man on the totem pole I'm working alongside the vets and haven't been assigned to cans (falls to knees in gratitude). However, today the boss wanted a bail of foil. I decided I'm going to tell dad PLEASE don't save me your foil unless its clean.

    Two guys helped me which was a blessing and let me tell you (as I'm gagging in retrospective memories) -folks, if you recycle your foil PLEASE clean it first! foil that has been sitting outside dirty with bees buzzing, sun shining and rain falling on it for months at a time is freaking NASTY!!!

    Anywho, got the foil bailed and just when I think the bail is almost ready...nope, the inside boss comes and says that the last gaylord of foil looking stuff (to us) was actually MLC (mixed low copper). Well kiss my ass because now I have to climb in the bailer and pull it all out. Blech blech blech. Dude, YOU said that gaylord was part of the foil bail!! *Grumble grumble toil and trouble!!*

    Guy on the other bailer comes walking by and says ''thats pretty nasty isn't it?'' Well kiss my ass again and just go back to your own little corner Mr. Funny Man!

    Good news: Dumped my first load of scrap into a roll-off today and DIDN'T drop the bin into the roll-off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm like a tow motor maniac now, I get on one just to move it around a couple feet or drive the yard looking like I'm on a mission lmao!!

    On the other hand, the wall they built on the lower half of the building going out the big garage door is minus some drywall. I figure that wasn't MY fault since they shouldn't build a wall so close to the garage door (inside) where gaylords are stacked and pressed in very closely on the way out. Way I figure it, if I have to lift the bin I'm carrying since I can't see past THEIR gaylords and still can't see those stupid walls are fair game for coming down. Right? RIGHT??!!! someone back me up here!!!!!!

    Man I'm loving this job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  3. #82
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    I predict you will soon be the one who yells "who left this seat back??"
    Much better than hollering "who left the seat up??" Great seeing how your handling this new adventure.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  5. #83
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Well I drive tow motors like a pro now! Was in a bad mood the other day, came screaming in and yelled to one of the other guys, ''hey Curtis watch this!'' and


    they don't make you open the bags and dump them and I am amazed at what folks will pad their bags with, everything from kitchen pots n pans and toasters to siding, band saw blades and other sharp items. Rocks, pipes, scissors and garbage - everyday kitchen garbage: YUCKO!!!!! Bags of cans are more dangerous to work with than climbing on the huge AL pile, at least with the AL pile I can see whats what, with the closed bags you can't be sure and some contain broken glass that I worry about going through my gloves, ya never know.

    I've been using the shear on the side lol, if I hear the big boss I drop the item, duck and run! Nobody else in charge seems to care about my using it just the big boss.

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  7. #84
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Are you talking about Alum beverage cans or steel food cans?? Never have seen any food cans in stuff I've seen dropped off for shred but it probably does happen. I don't know if the only steel place in town takes food cans or not. If you're talking about Alum cans, I've never seen people load up their bags with crap. The worse is probably cans dug out of the ditch with a good amount of soil crunched in them.

  8. #85
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    AL cans. Sorry, my bad for not being specific.

  9. #86
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    Are you beginning to enjoy the regular paycheck? Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  10. #87
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    Really, people bugger up sacks full of Alum cans?? Man, I just don't think the place I take my cans would tolerate that much. They're a drive through place and there's usually a line. Such action would slow down the line and I just can't see the owner taking such crap without telling the offender that they weren't welcomed anymore. I'll ask them the next time I'm there how much junk and trash are mixed in with the beverage cans...

  11. #88
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Are you beginning to enjoy the regular paycheck? Mike
    Yes but, my income from regular scrapping is down because especially on the 10 hour days sometimes its just like ''Ugh, don't want to go out.''

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  13. #89
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    How big of bale did you make with the alum foil? I add mine to my dirty alum buckets a little at the time. As for the alum cans out here bees love them if you were allergic to bees you would not want to deal with the cans... Every place here now makes you dump out your bags of cans as too many people adding weight... I now am just going to bring in large trash cans with smashed cans no more bags for me to open and dump into there bin. They can dump my bin into there's and we are done!

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  15. #90
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Omigosh hobo I can't even recall the weight of that bale now! I do remember it took 4 gaylords of foil for a full bail though and that was *smashed down* gaylords.

  16. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    You get a chance, find some t-shirts online that are made by Under Armour. It will let your body sweat and breathe. That's what most of the athletes wear.
    Walmart has similar shirts, its the skintight Lycra looking stuff, and walmarts is cheaper. I used to wear black (only ones available) long sleeve versions in the summer (With a t-shirt over it), in Florida and it still felt cooler than wearing just a t-shirt, and the tiniest breeze would feel cold.

    I would recommend the long sleeve ones, that'll help pull the sweat off your arms as well as the rest of your body, and has the added bonus of protecting you from the sun if that's an issue.

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  18. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by DakotaRog View Post
    Really, people bugger up sacks full of Alum cans?? Man, I just don't think the place I take my cans would tolerate that much. They're a drive through place and there's usually a line. Such action would slow down the line and I just can't see the owner taking such crap without telling the offender that they weren't welcomed anymore. I'll ask them the next time I'm there how much junk and trash are mixed in with the beverage cans...

    Confession time.... back when I was a kid (many moons ago), and recycling Al cans with my older step brother, we used to crush em with stuff inside of em. I'm surprised you don't have to cut em open before turning em in at this point.

  19. #93
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    I never thought of putting cans in bags. They're cheap, but not free.

  20. #94
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Well I feel I have earned my stripes in all areas of the business in a very short time. Yesterday the boss actually came up to me as I was breaking down those pallets of computers and running the scale and asked how I liked it here and said I'm doing a great job. I told him thanks for letting me work up front this week because it gets tedious working cans and I'm learning more this way. Even though things are starting to slow and I've been doing siding and running the front I'm still mainly cans the past two weeks so he can get those caught up. I feel I have more value up front and in other areas rather than just the scut jobs but I didn't tell him that! He said, ''I can get someone else in for cans so you can do other things, whatever you want!!'' I told the head yard guy what he said and he agreed, he said you are more valuable to me up front I will talk to the boss Monday.

    I feel my 6 years of serious scrapping and learning (from the forum) gave me the knowledge and confidence to walk into that place and be able to fit right in like a glove rather than them hiring someone with zero knowledge and they see how hard I work and I can jump from place to place where and when needed without being told to keep things running smoothly.

    The boss actually told me to watch for the truck to come back the other day and when it pulled in to offload what was on it and reload it with what had to go right back out!! Usually the other guys do that! And before, the head guy was always like ''get away from my scale!!'' but now he doesn't even bat an eye or give me any flak, just keeps on zipping around with his other job(s).

    so, I think the tide has turned so to speak and I'm now floating around and have been accepted as part of the ''front'' end crew

    I even got the foam football tossed at me while my back was turned. Hee!!!

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  22. #95
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Well actually, I think was really made me feel accepted were those dreaded words --''Cynthia to the office!!''

    Boss calls me that instead of Cindy not sure why but when I came out all I heard was ''Cynthiiiiiaaaa..'', ''Cynthiiiaaaa...'' from the other guys. I was just like, ''Ha ha verrrry funny just be quiet. Head guy zipped up on the tow motor, leaned over and said ''how's it feel to have my job there Cynthiiiaaa..''. You shut up too. lmao

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  24. #96
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    Its so very good to hear hard work and being prepared have paid off for you. You deserve your success. Mike

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  26. #97
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    I'd call your climbing of the ladder it is more like a rocketing up of the ladder! No glass ceiling! Good for you! Find any more "treasures" there?


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  28. #98
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    Good for you. I may have over estimated how long it will take until you are running the place...
    Have Fun,

    I hate rules, but I love junk.

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  30. #99
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Well guess who has been running the scale all this week and last every day from start to finish? Me!! This includes running the front end which means I'm not only running the scale but making sure the front building is ''flowing'' as well as making sure the guy in back on cans is taken care of as well as hopping from area to area helping as needed as well as doing my own odd jobs as the day dictates.

    You really have to be 15 steps ahead of things in this position to make sure things are going smoothly and guess what? I'm also being told ''Okay, whatever'' if I tell them I'm using the new guy for a job I need him to help out with!!!!! Holy @#!&& !!!!!!

    Nobody has helped me, offered to help me or even acted like they wanted to help me, its been all me! Now, instead of hearing ''Cinnnnnndyyyyyy!!!!'', and I come running I'm the one calling out for the other guy and getting a ''wwwwhhaaattttt????? (like, can't YOU do it all?????) lol and lemme tell you THEY don't come running like I did !!

    The whole bottom of my left shoe came off at work at fricking 9:30 this morning and I frantically had to search for duct tape to hold it on the rest of the day. I kept hearing ''snick snick'' as the sticky part stuck to the floor when I walked lmao!

    Not sure what changed but, one day it seemed like they ALL stepped back (after HELL initiation period that included many tears) and all was cool, all was serene, all was zen; she can handle it.

    I haven't choked yet.

    But, I did kick a crock pot across the floor (good naturedly of course!) when one of the other guys (good naturedly of course) pulled it out of the old sheet bin and said ''this is steel Lippy!'' (they call me Lippy). So I kicked it across the floor and the AL inside came out and I said, ''there, that part is aluminum!'' He says ''are we cranky today?'' lol. I love those guys.

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  32. #100
    newattitude started this thread.
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    The owner has been showing me where stuff in the office is (paperwork) for the different trucking companies, how to figure the money, who to call for different needs in the warehouse if we need something as well as sending me to the bank for him now lol. Yikes, that part makes me nervous.

    He has also been showing me where he gets his prices, what he is being paid for different scrap so that I can ''adjust accordingly'' when writing out tickets if the market is fluctuating. he just says use common sense, be smart about it. Okaaaayyy, thats a lot of pressure right there!

    I've also been upsetting some customers by making them open their bags of cans and pulling out any steel or garbage or glass. *Shrugs* I'm tired of buying garbage. I figure I'm saving the boss money by doing that. Can't tell you how many ''But it never mattered before!'s'' I've heard on this. Well, there's a new sheriff in town and guess what folks, she did cans for 2 months and saw enough! Ballsiest ones bring the clear bags in with the glass bottles fully visible...........*facepalm*

    After we cleaned up outside I found some laundry type carts on wheels that had been buried. I brought them in, weighed them for a tare weight and set them in a line near the scale. the boss says, ''get them out of here, clean the area up!'' I said, ''I use those buggies boss!'' Now he understands Lol.

    He has also been having me get the different loads weighed and ready and lined up for each truck.

    Lot more responsibility now, lot more pressure, but a lot more satisfaction at the end of the day as well

    I don't think I can go any higher. I've already gotten more responsibilities and privileges given to me than the guy above me and that only leaves the warehouse manager spot so of course he knows more than I do about some things but in only 4 months I have almost as much knowledge and privilege as he does.

    This will most likely be the last post in this thread from me as I really can't add anything else work wise to this as I've gotten as far as I have so soon.

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