A couple of things about bees and scrapping.
First, I always wondered why I would be the only person in whatever group of people I was with, to get stung by a bee.
This happened about 8 times. I have never seen someone else stung by a bee in decades.
But then, one day on the web, I find out that, clove oil is a bee attractant and anger activator....
My favorite brand of underarm deodorant contains lots of clove oil....
Ah ha!
I also find out that proper almond oil (benzaldehyde) (bitter almond oil, is hard to get, its a possible drug precursor)
Is a bee deterrent. It helps keep them away.
After doing a lot of scrapping, my hands started to get hard and sore, puffed up a bit and generally difficult to use.
This was starting to be a problem, so I got some moisturizer with little relief.
Then one day I pick up a bumble bee (soooo cute) from inside to take it outside to let it go free.
I have never been stung while doing this, I tell the bee what's going to happen and they are fine with that.
But this one stung me! Just a little. Not enough to loose its stinger, so it stayed alive. Just a bite and it flew away.
Ouch, its ok though.
Then next morning my hands don't hurt, freer and more mobile. Weird.
Then I clicked about the bee sting.
My workmate on a job told me once, "when he was 12, he started to feel bad, hurt all over and sore joints etc.
His mum took him to the Doc, who said he had early onset arthritis, and maybe if he started working with bees, the bee stings he gets may fix his joints.
Doc siad he would be in a wheelchair by his late 20s anyway.
So he got a summer job with his uncle, a bee keeper. The got him a longer term job.
That fixed his arthritis, he's as fit as a fiddle, plays rugby, if you see NZ television, he's on a tv add, running...
This is 2 decades later. Still well.
So, a bee sting may be a Godsend to all rheumy people. My hands feel like they need another sting though..
So, if yah gonna come in contact with bees, make sure you are not wearing any deodernt with clove or clove like perfumes in it.
If possible, get bee deterrent, find a beekeeper who knows where to get the 'good stuff'.
And Copperhead, look forward to some 'loose joints'