Copper, did they give you an Epi pen?
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Copper, did they give you an Epi pen?
Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''![]()
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yeesh I was only kidding about torching the bee's.
Sirscrapalot - All your bees belong to us.
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I got some advice from a bee keeper & first he said wasps (yellow jackets ) are very aggressive , they are not bees , kill as needed .
He mentioned one reason bees are in decline are the pretreated seeds for food crops , GMO and other terms But Genetically Modified Crops is the name .
the pollen from GMO crops kills the bees ???
You know if this is true I don't want to eat food that kills bees on a molecular level . Ahh what ever were F******
going to scrap yard soon enough
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No did not , these last few days and I don't see tomorrow any different .
1) My body itches it's horrible it's an itch from the muscles deep usually with a sound from my mouth like Arggergagg
2) my hands are swollen , heck I am all swollen except where it counts. I am one big Itch
3) welts , rashes , pain , mussel cramps
4) flashbacks of original day one symptoms , I got a little concerned was it happening again
I find if I push myself and load weight to truck it helps lessen discomfort , but for now my raw power is not there
I feel like I have a combination of OCD and tourette's - - - Arggergagg mother ******
I hope in the future I can handle one sting like I have in the past 20 nope , but one
thats my new unanswered question .
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At work I show kids that you can "pet" a Bee and not to be scared of them, they are very acceptable of humans if you know how to work with them. hornets, wasps, yellow jackets yeah steer clear is the best but if i have to I prefer flame as well. The less toxic spray we pump into the air, ground and water the better.
Lot's of theorys on bee loss, Human's are to blame that's for sure, just can't figure out what we did to cause it.![]()
There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man
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I carry bee and wasp spray in both trucks. I spray pretty much anything that might harbor a nest before going to work, and sometimes just do it while I'm doing the estimate if they let me; can be a kill two birds with one stone deal. I prep for a possible job and the homeowner gets a little free extermination.
But from my time as an EMT and paramedic student, those calls were super scary. Epi pens are amazing things
"Don't try to be a great man, just be a man. Let history make its own judgments"
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Epi pen is what I was thinking of in my first post. Couldn't remember the name!
Thanks to all who did. lol.
I have a couple. 2 in the van, 2 in the tool box I take with me just about everywhere. Wife has one in her purse, an I think I have sixth somewhere..lets hope I don't need 6 of them. Since I don't remember where that one is.
An wasn't the demise of the bumble bee due to humans an those 'killer' bees we always hear about? I remember reading once about how the killer bees were also helping to destroy the bumble bee by taking over it' habitat, an killing them when they meet.
I put more blame on humans tho. We're kind of horrible to the world around us. We don't like to admit that, likely cause it's true.
Feel better CopperHead. I think the tourette's part will stick with you for in every time you see a bee.
Mrs.Copper - "Oh honey look at the bumble bee way over there!"
Copper - "*&#(#_)_#)@ %^$#$$! %^&%@@~|! bee!
Sirscrapalot - Wishing CH a quick recovery.
Cooper Head - I had a medical problem with very similar symptoms (almost exact same). I was in Paris, France and been there on business. The morning I was scheduled to return home, after a night of heavy drinking and little sleep. I woke up with a killing headache, sicker than a dog (classic hangover I thought). I also had a rash on my chest and neck area. I checked out of hotel, onto airport, a quick flight to London and short wait for non stop to Houston (a nine hour flight). I was in first class so very easy to rest and sleep my hang over off (I thought). I was probably asleep about 5 or 6 hours, when flight attendant awoke me, asking "sir are you alright" Yes I said just need some sleep! She said "you don't look so good" and "I need to keep my eye on you".
I was now completely soaked in sweat, my hands were swollen, little blister like bubbles were braking out all over me. I was hurting all over, I'm thinking is the hang over of all hangovers. When we landed in Houston, flight attended wanted to get me to a doctor. I decided to make a change in my trip and divert to my vacation house in Arkansas. I just wanted peace and quiet, nothing better than rural Arkansas for that! So against the flight attendant advice, and all others I encounter, I press on (in great discomfort now!). I catch a commuter to Shreveport, rent a car and start the 2 1/2 hour drive to my Arkansas, retreat on the lake. Now in a car and alone, start to realize I'm really hurting and this not a hang over. My eyes are starting to swell shut, my skin is red, I now have big blisters all over my body. Each mile gets harder and harder, can hardly see and start feeling I'm going to pass out. I don't know how, but I made it to the only town (of any size) near my place. I decided to get a hotel room, I knew I was to sick to be any place by myself. I go into the hotel lobby, a place I have stayed many times, almost everybody in this town knows me. The lady at the desk knows me very well (went to High School together). I say "hey can you get me a room". She said "No but I'll get you a doctor" and "You look like $hit". She called the hotel maintenance man, he drove me straight to the hospital. The doctor almost immediately diagnosed that my body was going into shock. I honestly don't remember much of the next two hours. When I recovered, about two hours, I was 100% good to go, I wanted to leave, but they were having none of that. I spent that night in the hospital, for continuous monitoring. The next morning I saw the doctor who treated me. He told me I had Toxic Shock Syndrome, something had entered my body and my body reacted to it. Until that morning he new nothing about me or where I had been. After he asked me all kinds of questions, he concluded a Cologne, was more than likely the cause. I had bought a very expensive perfume for my wife in Paris and shop sales lady gave me a complimentary, a brand new, not yet available to public cologne for men. He told me they gave me a shot of steroids and within minutes my body started recovering. Without treatment most people die, as it effects all of your body. One by one your organs start shutting down. He gave me some advice: 1. Listen to your body, you know it better than anybody else. 2. When people are trying to help you, listen to them!
The perfume I bought my wife, was the "envy" of all women. The cologne I never seen a bottle of it again, I threw it away (I think I was a guinea pig).
Cooper Head if your still having a reaction to the stings. I think you should go see another doctor. From my experience and those of others with bee stings, treated you should start recovering fairly quick. For sure take it serious!
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I sat in a bath of strong Epsom salt - the water was bitter . for 4 hrs till my hands looked prune like . today was the most normal day I had .
I realize now yes I am forcing myself to cleanse compared to Dr. intervention. These feelings are uncharted territory . I am going for a fast check in with Dr. this Monday for white blood count , hart rate , as he did request of me - At-least !!
I admit I signed out on my own accord sooner then he wanted . (that is a story for another time - and it is a story the check out as I was disorientated )
This was bad timing as this week I needed tax money & Bills - Bills !! I had to & have to continue to pump money my way ,
so typical of us hard working resilient scrappers I had to pursue the money and have faith what they ( Dr's) did was enough -
I Know I work hard cause wile I sat in that bed - I said wouldn't it be nice if I could just stay for the day or so wile the Dr's work
there skills for my health .
GOSH that be a vacation - All about me - nobody else . Lunch - deserts - apple juice - slippers TV Chit chat .Sleep . I am a fool to deprive myself and the fact that that would even be a vacation shows me I am a slave .
I did not get a chance to correct post #1 - but I fell asleep , so no scrap yard at 6:00 . I felt like crap -
I should of been doing the All about me thing .
I've decided aside from being better prepared , trying to stay better hydrated might help wile I feel my reaction might of been unchangeable
I have to except I was was working harder then usual , drinking too little water for days . and an accident waiting to happen . Staying in better
hydrated condition ,being rested ,better food nourished condition ,I feel might also help fight off the unforeseen . Run your self ragged sure , and I was - -
put me behind the 8 ball .
I am looking into a simple concept I keep hearing about on the radio for better health
it seems inexpensive look it up also -- watercure if any thing it is enlightening
The Water Cure: What it is and What it Does.
Last edited by Copper Head; 08-25-2014 at 05:29 AM.
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My son hit a nest of ground bees with the mower about 2 years back, got nailed about 5 times and started breaking out in hives and feeling not so hot afterwards.
Gave him a dose of Benadryl and took him in...he was put on steroids (Prednisone) for a week and given an epi-pen after I requested it.
Your reaction might have been just due to the number of stings you received, but maybe not. If they don't offer an epi-pen...ask. Good to have one, just in case.
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Epi-pens are great life saving tools. My wife carries them with her as she is very allergic to stings. However a word of caution. If you are in a place where you cannot get to the hospital quickly, carry two pens. If you need to use one, go immediately to the hospital as they are intended as an emergency temporary life saving device to be followed up with regular medical care. Hence the reason for the second pen, should the first wear off before you reach the hospital...
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were those honey bees or southern yellow jackets. Those little dudes kill 3 or four down here every year. they attack in the hundreds or thousands. VERY GLAD YUR OK![]()
"anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"
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Yellow jackets - not sure about southern type - but strong legs on em no fuz on face decent size dive bombers .
they want to kill you or for sure you will never mess with them . It's war you or them when it's on .
But no-doubt there are yellow jackets and THERE ARE YELLOW JACKETS .
Last edited by Copper Head; 08-26-2014 at 03:23 AM.
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