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The scrap God giveth and taketh

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    The scrap God giveth and taketh

    Thursday I was out with Bee Sting therapy - Ha . Any how , wile I was all frigged up we had a torrential rain storm with mild flooding
    I have a fire pit area that had I figure $400 of crazy scrap stuff to be dealt with . Much of it was there 2 years sitting .
    Well this was a day of mother nature once more .To give you an idea of the power of the creek that flooded it took away cinder-blocks from my fire pit
    most of the scrap in the area was washed away . There is plenty out in the field to find but Gone Gone Gone most of it is Gone !

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  3. #2
    F350scrapper's Avatar
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    Guess the lesson here is move it as you get it. I have had similar problems because of stockpiling

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  5. #3
    Montymoose's Avatar
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    >Guess the lesson here is move it as you get it.<

    Having a wife helps with that task! "Yes honey, I'll get that stove out of the garage and to the yard."

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  7. #4
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    If the neighbors do not know where the scrap came from, approach them with the idea for a fee you will clean up the field. Unless you are in a flood zone, their insurance should cover it. You would get paid to recover your metal and the trash left by the flood. If they know where the scrap came from, you might not want to approach the subject.

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