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Taking the next step....

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #18
    matador's Avatar
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    We purchase laptop computers and many components for greater than scrap value. We offer a shipping reimbursement program.replies

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    Nov 2013
    Big Wonderful Wyoming
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    I've always thrown the green rails in with the ABS. But, I do this as a second job. I need to focus on the higher dollar stuff. If you're part time at E-Waste, you could probably get enough money for a pizza or something cool like that.

    I grade E-Waste on a semicircle if you will. One like this:

    The stuff on the left is higher in value, due to higher prices for E-Scrap, and/or higher value for collectors parts.
    The stuff on the right is valuable, because I can resell it.

    The stuff that isn't all that old, but is too old to refurbish goes in the middle. Sadly, the low point seems to be the Pentium 4 machines (Socket 423 excluded). You seem to have plenty of them. Don't worry- I get tons of them, too. I like to spend as little of time on processing a P4 as possible. The only thing that's less profitable is an old Mac. They take forever to disassemble.

    But, those white machines will be more valuable in scrap.

    My rules on what to keep:
    *Power Supplies Greater than 400W, with SATA connectors
    *RAM that is 1GB/Stick or larger. I keep DDR2/512 sticks, because I had many desktops come in without RAM.
    *Hard Drives 80GB or larger that are IDE or SATA. I don't keep SCSI drives.
    *Dual Core Computers
    *Any Mac that is G5 or Intel, or the iBook G4 and Mac Mini G4.
    *Higher end graphics cards. PCI Express only. If it's older than that, it's E-Waste.
    *Any Black colored desktop drive that can play a DVD. I had two pallets come from a school that didn't put any optical drive in their machines.

    And, that's about it. The rest I scrap. I'll resell processors that bring at least $15 online. That's a fair price. If it's worth $3.99 with free shipping, it gets soldby the pound.

    Hopefully that helps a little. I took apart about 300 machines over the last four months. I didn't go to the funny farm. I just turned on the oldies, and did it from 9AM to 7PM. It's actually pretty enjoyable work for me. I think you'll be fine. Plus, you're paying rent. That's incentive enough to go faster!

    Why are you reading this? It's midnight. You could be taking a Dell apart!

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