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  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    The how I checked out of Hospital story ( yellow wasp )

    How it went down with me that night covered many realities for me .

    First I feel if I had been alone I am very unsure of my out come .
    I encountered a weakness never felt before . so only god knows.

    Second my wife did not do as I would of done in same circumstance, if the bee boot was on her foot
    I was basically in hosp no wife visit , but my niece and my oldest did come to visit & take me home
    but I was still too messed up.

    Third When I felt sorta ok 8 hrs later no body could pick me up .

    Now the story - It was raining I live 18 miles from hosp. and I am not really so well .
    I get a plastic garbage bag from a waiting room (clean) .go out side cut a hole for my head and arms
    and start walking in rain towards road . dark country roads . I put my thumb out and say " no body in there rite mind will pick me up "
    so I start walking back to hosp. Then a car pulls up man woman 2 kids in back 2 and 6 years old the guy says whats wrong Dude .
    I tell him I need to get home , the Bee situation ,he says no problem any place you need go . Do you need food ? I said I am too sick for food but a Coca-cola would settle me down . MacDonald's Coca-cola and he wont let me pay.

    They drove me to my Boss's house - where my truck was . I told them you guys are angles .
    Like they say pay it forward
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-27-2014 at 07:54 PM.

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  3. #2
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Hey Copper Head, I hope you get to feeling better real soon. Might take a few days for that to get out of your system.
    I had an encounter Sunday with a nest with about 35 wasp on it but was lucky and only got stung 5 times on my back and left arm.
    I'm glad you got home safely and I hope you get back to scrapping soon. Be well.

  4. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Glad you are better!

  5. #4
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    One thing I can say about scrapping, and Americans, amongst the detrious you do get to meet some really nice 'salt of the earth' people.
    Good luck Copperhead, a few days and you will back on your feet and 'itching' to turn over some scrapmetal.

  6. #5
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    How many threads are you going to start about this topic?

    I think this is the third.

  7. #6
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Thats it I'd say , but I felt important .
    See not really about scrap in a sense . But some of the obstacles scrappers deal with .
    This post shows how ruff and ready we are , yet we have a trustworthy aura that we earn each day.

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  9. #7
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    if u know who those people are who helped u & they dont live far from you
    maybe u should visit them & bring them a little gift

    they will get to see you in a presentable condition
    so they dont think they helped a nutjob or a charity case the other night.
    human nature being what it is- its only natural for thoughts like that to run through peoples minds.

    who knows...
    maybe u will get some scrap out of it too...
    (hey, i cant help dreaming)

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  11. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Copper don't let let it bother ya on sharing man. If folks ain't interested in your thread they can skip it. Nobody is forced to read threads.

    Glad to see there are good people out there still who will help someone an not expect anything in return. I'm sure they wouldn't mind a thank you from you if possible like MS said..not wet, fresh out of the hospital an hurting. An if got a reason to pay it forward sometime in the future.

    Now get back to scrapping an watch out for those yellow jackets, hornets, etc.

    Sirscrapalot - Just bzzin by.

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  13. #9
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    That really scares me, bees and such. I am allergic and that's one of the reasons I don't crush cans or handle metals from food waste. Now recently I've been to the scrap yard, where bees are certain to be and forgot my epi pen. It's...well I worry but not as much as I probably should. Thanks for sharing. ((MY epi pen is actually for a food allergy I recently figured out the bee allergy the hard way....)

  14. #10
    pjost's Avatar
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    I had a bee crawl into a can of Mountain Dew when I was in high school. I grabbed it out of the fridge one night after being out on the town. Left it on my night stand, woke up extremely hung over, took a sip, 'bout crapped in my bed when he hit me in the upper lip.Took my mind off the headache I had anyway.
    Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.

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