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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    Bad Reputation / Good Reputation

    I have to admire the admin and the members/guests on this site who emphasize honesty and fairplay when it comes to scrapping and recycling. It seems like everywhere I go to remove machinery etc., I hear the same thing...........they've had an "iron buyer" take a few loads and then they never heard from him again / no payment, no phone calls, nothing. Not surprisingly, the same names comes up routinely and there are many of them. One of those "dark marvels" now opened an antique shop locally. They take the best stuff of course.....the copper, the antiques, the easy loading items and they sort and pick.

    Their reputation follows them and likewise for the honest; your reputation will follow you. Sometimes it's hard to follow their act as they've given us all a bad name, but offer your references, pay promptly and discreetly and you'll be in business a long time.

    Kudos to you guys.

  2. #2
    beardo's Avatar
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    couldn't agree more, I personally am thankful for all those who help make me look good. The best advice I was ever given was "it does not matter what services you do, if you have customers you are a customer service company first."

    Its super easy stuff. Do work, act right, show up on time and communicate with your customers and take care of them. Act like a professional. Its all day one, stuff but so often overlooked.
    "And if your train's on time, You can get to work by nine, and start your slaving job to get your pay. If you ever get annoyed, Look at me I'm self-employed
    I love to work at nothing all day" -BTO

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  4. #3
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Unfortunately the world is a much different world then most of us grew up in. Hard work, dedication, honesty all have become the exception instead of the rule.

    We, members of this forum, are very fortunate to have access to 15,000 or so most of who adhere to old school policy and ethics. But that still leaves several billion out there who don't know us and are left to the world they see on tv. We make heroes out of crooked politicians and meth makers and dealers, we create "reality" shows that have nothing to do with reality all on TV. think about it, where does education come from today, First from schools that no longer teach, History, social studies, ethics, constitutional rights, or even the simplest manners. We then continue our education we are either taught by mostly socialist professors, or, for most, witch, with the advent of $20 steaks and $4 gas is Tv.

    It is my true belief that the world can only be saved by those like us.

    sry for the rant . mcw a Realist.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  6. #4
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Thank you, Yukonman for this thread. I couldn't have said it better and you are right on. HO! by the way welcome to the forum from sunny Florida. Would like to know what kind of scrapping you do.

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  8. #5
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Yunkman you are absolutely correct. Several strategies have propelled my business above the dive and flies around here. One that has paid huge dividends is paying $ 200 prior to starting a job. There is two reasons for this, first this insures I own the scrap I am hauling and therefore do no need a CDL, commercial license plates, or business license to haul scrap. I only collect the $ 200 on the last load so the owner does not ever think they are being taken advantage of.

    Several other strategies are used that would be shared by a P.M. or a phone call.

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  10. #6
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    Thank you, Yukonman for this thread. I couldn't have said it better and you are right on. HO! by the way welcome to the forum from sunny Florida. Would like to know what kind of scrapping you do.
    We do machinery scrapping, but also to include shop scrap, vehicles, grain bins, appliances and some abandoned and forgotten treasures from the past. Every day is a treasure hunt and not everything I haul goes to the scrap yard. My wife thinks I bring too much of it home. I like to remain smalltime and operate with my 16' and a 20' flat trailer (bumperhitch) and a 60hp skidsteer. I carry a torch, generator, air compressor and quite a few tools. Oh yes, and this time of year a lot of wasp and hornet spray as I've developed a mean allergy to them. I'm a 9 month member here and learning and enjoying it all. I'm a weekend professional (I get paid...LOL) musician and like to hobby with air compressors and lawnmowers at the present time. Besides farming, I've held alot of outside jobs; none of which require alot of gray matter. I'll be adding to my photo album on this site. 'Nuf said'...............

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  12. #7
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    Yunkman you are absolutely correct. Several strategies have propelled my business above the dive and flies around here. One that has paid huge dividends is paying $ 200 prior to starting a job. There is two reasons for this, first this insures I own the scrap I am hauling and therefore do no need a CDL, commercial license plates, or business license to haul scrap. I only collect the $ 200 on the last load so the owner does not ever think they are being taken advantage of.

    Several other strategies are used that would be shared by a P.M. or a phone call.
    Thanks Patriot, I like your business acumen and that $200 up front would make a seller sleep better at night. I always say that I'll ''pay after every load if I can find you, definitely after two loads and if I can't find you after three, I'll come hunt you down before proceeding". I never wait to settle the account after the job is done. Either way, I always write checks and keep them in their envelope for fast delivery.

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  14. #8
    1956's Avatar
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    These are rough times for all, most people are looking to make the most they can the fastest way they can, both buyers and sellers I have built my business around giving the best most dependable service, and can handle any project, my main business is salvaging / recycling large commercial roof top air conditioning units, my customers are mostly large HVAC union contractors, now when the new units are on trailers, the cranes or helicopter are in place the old unit is the first thing once unhooked that has to be lifted of the roof if the scrap man is not in place to remove the old unit the entire job is in a shambles my customers know that we will be there on time all the time, I pay for my scrap but much less than the other so called scrapers offer, my customers are the smart people that realize that having us on there job is one less headache they do not have to worry about and know we will complete the entire job in a professional manor, now I am not trying to toot my horn what I am laying out to the newbies is that your reputation will either enhance your business or destroy it find you niche build a reputation ofer the best customer service and success will follow.

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  16. #9
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    That's right, 1956 and we all only get "One Chance to make a First Impression". That's true in social interactions or business practices.

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  18. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    Unfortunately the world is a much different world then most of us grew up in. Hard work, dedication, honesty all have become the exception instead of the rule.

    We, members of this forum, are very fortunate to have access to 15,000 or so most of who adhere to old school policy and ethics. But that still leaves several billion out there who don't know us and are left to the world they see on tv. We make heroes out of crooked politicians and meth makers and dealers, we create "reality" shows that have nothing to do with reality all on TV. think about it, where does education come from today, First from schools that no longer teach, History, social studies, ethics, constitutional rights, or even the simplest manners. We then continue our education we are either taught by mostly socialist professors, or, for most, witch, with the advent of $20 steaks and $4 gas is Tv.

    It is my true belief that the world can only be saved by those like us.

    sry for the rant . mcw a Realist.
    I'm about to have a rant that coincides with olddude's message, so here it goes

    I'm 16 and my parents raised me on those ethics. I work my ass off at anything I do, and I stick to it, and if I make a mistake I live up to it.
    This summer, I worked at the local fairgrounds doing maintenance work for 8 weeks. I worked with another summer student, who was two years older than me. You could tell his parents raised him on either different ethics or no ethics. He pretty much did jack all, and what he did do was horrible and sloppy and I had to try and fix everything he did, such as painting. But, I was told, I am about 99% guarranteed a job next summer, he will not be welcome back. I see this so much in everyone my age, and it honestly bothers me so much the way things are going with my fellow youth. They all expect instant gratifaction, with no work, they expect everything handed to them, while they sit on their asses and watch netflix. Don't get me wrong, watch netflix, play video games, etc but GET THE WORK DONE
    End rant
    Last edited by Longhairboy; 08-29-2014 at 08:11 PM.

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  20. #11
    harsas's Avatar
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    I knew there was something I liked about this place. Before I got sick my business was home improvements. I specialized in service and quality work. For 35 years I had the dubious pleasure of dealing with lackluster employees and sub contractors who specialized in grab the money and run. I spent more time cleaning up after them that I finally decided it was easier to work by myself. It took a bit longer but I was always able to give the customer a top quality job for a fair price. I was never the cheapest or the most expensive but my customers are still calling me even thought they know I closed my business. It truly is all about customer service and satisfaction. Good enough is never good enough.

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  22. #12
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longhairboy View Post
    I'm about to have a rant that coincides with olddude's message, so here it goes

    I'm 16 and my parents raised me on those ethics. I work my ass off at anything I do, and I stick to it, and if I make a mistake I live up to it.
    This summer, I worked at the local fairgrounds doing maintenance work for 8 weeks. I worked with another summer student, who was two years older than me. You could tell his parents raised him on either different ethics or no ethics. He pretty much did jack all, and what he did do was horrible and sloppy and I had to try and fix everything he did, such as painting. But, I was told, I am about 99% guarranteed a job next summer, he will not be welcome back. I see this so much in everyone my age, and it honestly bothers me so much the way things are going with my fellow youth. They all expect instant gratifaction, with no work, they expect everything handed to them, while they sit on their asses and watch netflix. Don't get me wrong, watch netflix, play video games, etc but GET THE WORK DONE
    End rant
    Well said young man. And I do mean man. I am a long hair old man. not an old hippy just my statement of freedom like my hog was for nearly 40 years. Young men like you give this old man a glimmer of hope. Best wishes in life what ever you choose to do. mcw

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  24. #13
    KIWI's Avatar
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    Long boy with your attitude you will do great.lead by example and hopefully others of your young generation may follow when they see the rewards you shall get from hard honest work.Happy scrapping and great to read your post.

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  26. #14
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    Longhairboy, I also admire you for your views and ambitions. Sounds like olddude has some extra locks too. I don't want the work that goes with long hair but I've had a beard for 20 years or more. I don't like to I always say that I look like a junkman so I might as well BE ONE. I've gained a new respect for "junkmen" since being on this site though. They're a step above alot of our citizens. Personally I can't identify with those who wear a suit and tie everyday. I want to be buried in common clothes and meet the recycler guy with long hair...........up there !!

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  28. #15
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    My Reputation is one of my corner stones in what I do. When I suffered a huge hit/loss, it was my reputation and people knowing that I keep my word and was able to restart/rebuild my company this year.

    That, an growing up here in the southern states, there are just some things you learn from a young age, tree limbs will brake so don't dance on them and, have high respect for everyone around you (yes Sir, yes Ma'am) along with many other things.

    But its a 3day weekend, I hear my fishing pole calling my name an once I can move freely I'm going to enjoy some fishing time =)
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
    My Name Stephan Harz
    My YouTube page

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  30. #16
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    Ive been scrapping since I was 17, just turned 20 recently. I dont have a vehicle yet cause of the insurance cost but I rent a van to bring in the ferrous metals. So I do most of my pick ups on foot and in the general area, Ive gained a lot of trust with the people I deal with, anyone from home owners, apt. building supers, stores and buisnesses, most "scrappers" in my area are low life crackheads, thieves, and generally unscrupulous people and I try my best to show that Im different from them, which has resulted in stores who'd rather call me to pick up scraps from renovations rather then the shady guy who has a truck and can probably do it faster. Its all about ethics and attitude, show respect and decency and most people will show it back.

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  32. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    Unfortunately the world is a much different world then most of us grew up in. Hard work, dedication, honesty all have become the exception instead of the rule. mcw a Realist.
    The world has always been the same ****ty place except for a brief (and now fading) era where people could better their conditions with hard work, smarts, and honesty (later industrial revolution). Before that period kings owned everything, there was no middle class just indentured servants and slaves ( the wealthy were all related to the king). Give it a few more decades and we well be back to the same thing except it will be called something more politically correct and just as bleak.

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  34. #18
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by unknownk View Post
    The world has always been the same ****ty place except for a brief (and now fading) era where people could better their conditions with hard work, smarts, and honesty (later industrial revolution). Before that period kings owned everything, there was no middle class just indentured servants and slaves ( the wealthy were all related to the king). Give it a few more decades and we well be back to the same thing except it will be called something more politically correct and just as bleak. it may be foreign kings who own us and other foreign entities that we fight. The "good" are being replaced by the "bad" (various designations) but good will travail over evil in the end so we must know which side we're on. The outcome is GREAT for the honest scrapper.
    = =

  35. #19
    Oldbarnz's Avatar
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    As I've gotten to know some of you in my time here, it seems like many of us work in small towns and neighborhoods where we know most people. Word gets around quickly in a small town, good and bad. Seems like bad news travels fastest. Cities might be where the people want to go, but I'll take a good reputation and a clear conscious in a small town every day.

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  37. #20
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    Well said, Oldbarnz. There's less competition for us out here in the ''sticks'', and maybe, just MAYBE the bad reputations that others have created for themselves and the industry, can be used in our favor. I haven't been doing this for too many years, but I'm staying plenty busy and I definitely know a few other scrappers who won't be getting calls from select individuals who have product for that very reason.

    One thing I wish I could improve on is timeliness. I find myself getting interrupted from a rather large farm cleanup job to go take a small load from another customer who has a critical time schedule or some special need. Weather is a large factor also, as is equipment malfunction, distance and my need to have my equipment at home for certain things around the farm. Most people will understand those things however. I hop from job to job quite a bit and then have to go back and finish up the project but it all seems justifiable (in my mind at least).

    This set of challenges wouldn't be particulary customary to a curb shopper or someone answering a call to pick up a lawnmower or a treadmill however,............but even HE has a reputation to protect.

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