I have a CC but seldom use it. There's too much hassle with switching things out going to work (the bureaucrats would flip out if a "firearm" was in the car even though I'm licensed to carry although if its trapping season, the Mk.II has been in a case buried in the trunk. Half the time in the fall & winter when I'm not at work there some sort of bang-bang in the car. We're all pretty mellow around here. I think I stand more of a chance of sliding off of a bridge when its icy than someone trying to rob me...
P.S. Hey taterjuice, nice to hear someone else likes a Mini-14. With all the AR nuts around (my bro being one), that old Ruger has sort of taken a backseat to things. I actually shot mine after about 10 years about a month ago. It still worked!! Probably shouldn't have shot the bro's little spinning p. dog target. I think the .223 was a bit much for it