This targets non-smoking powder...but from my research it seems one would store old school powder the same. Cool an dry spot, sealed up, can last a lifetime.
The link I'm putting relates the same as I just put above for the most part. Hope it helps some of you.
Alliant Powder - Storage & Handling
An Dakota..forgive me for asking as I do buy my stuff locally but can you order your ammo online from Wal-mart? Might help you with that whole shortage thing. We usually have a good stock of the stuff at my local Wal-Mart but i'm also on a sandbar, so not like I got a ton of people doing a run on ammo.
Back to your regularly scheduled conversation on gun powder an things that go bang bang bang!
Sirscrapalot - For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security. - Thomas Jefferson