Ok Devin you are getting nine
A/C units great, coming from a apt building they are most likely three ton package units, or they might all have air handlers, or they might be larger roof top units? It really doesn't matter, what ever they are it's pretty simple and it will become second nature to you as they are for me. What you will need to to this painlessly is a screw gun with three different size bits,
First one 1/4 inch, second a 5/16 third a 1/2 inch. You should also have a six inch extension for those hard to get at conners, you will also need a good pair of wire clippers, and a pair of bull cutters. The trick to doing a/c units is simple you take apart the outer cage take all the screws out, many guys try to cut time by only removing a few but that will bite them, now the top of the unit that has the electric motor in the center usually 1/4 inch bitt ,cut the wires and remove the four 1/4 inch screws the motor will fall out if they have a butter fly nut with a wood chizzle on bolt hit with hammer the screws will fall apart, once that's done cut the coil out, then cut all wires on compressor and inner parts, with the 1/2 inch bitt and evtenchion remove the four bolts on the compressor, we clean all coils after we break down all units , that means that little tin strip take your time try cutting as close as you can, as far as cutting your compressors we do it because I have a plasma torch, but if I were you I would just sell the compressors as sealed units with out the plasma it can be time consuming, and messy with all the oil. I would get a letter from the complex stating you are the right full owner of the scrap , if your state requires the document. Good luck.1956