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The coming of War ?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    The coming of War ?

    I had a great hunt day . Each dumpster yielded , I love it .

    Gross ton mix steel is $234 .

    Watch the yards if the over all market drops but they still pay well it might be they know a future need of steel is gonna boom .
    If yards stockpile short that might be a sign
    might not be bad idea for us to save some short like 10% per load .
    Oil down $92 barrel , steel holding , some things in the wind.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 09-14-2014 at 02:13 AM.

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  3. #2
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    And I thought I was the only one thinking that.

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  5. #3
    NJSouth's Avatar
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    Oh no... you're not the only one. I watch this stuff too and while confusing sometimes, it can tell you whats coming. It kills me how bad the PMs market is screwed with. Silver is lower than I personally can remember and it doesn't make sense with the volatility of the world. Nope you're not the only one.
    So now that we're thinking it.... any predictions?? In my circle the chatter is that we are doing the dirty work of the Saudis. Russia has the monopoly on oil and natural gas through to Europe. The Saudis want in but the ONLY things supposedly stopping them is.... you guessed it. A pipeline through Syria. Now all of a sudden we're going to bomb Syria again. A totally useless target for us with no tactical value. Notice how the Russians stepped in last time the "red line" was drawn??
    Any one else have news or insight.

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  7. #4
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    It's just a continuation of a religious war that's been going on for over 600 years now.

    The first part of it is dealing with the infidels -or - foreign invaders with a different religion that are trying to forcibly convert the Muslims to another faith.

    The nation of Islam doesn't recognize the borders between the different countries that make up the middle east. Instead ... it views the entire middle east as one nation which should properly be under the government of the one and only true faith.

    The US military bases we left in the region after WW2 & the Gulf War have been a constant source of irritation for them. That's why they declared jihad, attacked the USS Cole, US embassies, and ultimately the Twin Towers of 9/11.

    Invading Afghanistan was not a wise choice on our part. See ... within the Muslim faith there are all these different factions. The two biggest are the Sunni & Shea. When left to their own devices they will fight amongst themselves over which particular type of the Muslim faith is the correct one. When faced with a common enemy like an invading ( Christian) America they will temporarily set aside their differences to ward off the foe.

    Our presence there created chaos and disrupted the balance of powers in the region. The withdrawal of our military created opportunities for the different factions of the Muslim faith to rush in and seize control.

    That's exactly what they're doing right now. They're back to fighting amongst themselves for control of the region.

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  9. #5
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    Reading the history of the world in the Almanac, a person can't tell the difference between 200 A.D. and 2000 A.D pertaining to the fighting between Israel's supporters and those of the Muslim faith. The only difference is that one day the "Armies of God" will prevail upon the enemies of God and we all know who wins that one. There seems to be some confusion over which is which with both sides making claims of correctness. With the history, the intent and the recent actions of the jihadists, I think it's quite easy to make a determination. I'll be sticking to mine with great expectation !

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  11. #6
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    I'll tread very lightly so as not to offend any person of any faith.

    If you look at the history of mankind there have been many times when a more advanced culture came into contact with a lesser advanced culture. When that happened the lesser advanced culture died.

    It happened when the Spanish Conquistadors came into contact with the native people of Central & South America. It happened when white Europeans came to the New World.

    The native culture may put up a fight to resist the new wave of change but it eventually loses and falls into obscurity.

    The Muslim extremists aren't stupid people. They know what's coming. They're trying desperately to block the in flow of Western culture and new ideas into their region but they won't be able to hold the line forever.

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  13. #7
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    While insulting faith is not what SMF is about . Clearly freedom for humans is some thing all Americans can say with a loud voice any place in America even here at the SMF .

    SO ask your self where do you have
    Freedom to scrap and make a few bucks if not get rich .( bet one mistake of grabbing some metal gets your hands cut off )
    Freedom to live with choice of religion
    Freedom as a woman to wear clothes of your choice ( even go to school )
    Freedom to chose your children's destiny particular if your child is a girl

    Any person with a shred of sense knows the way of life in the middle east needs stay there , If you were given 3 choices

    1) Live in Israel
    2) Live in Arab country's
    3) Die by getting head cut off

    What would you choose ?
    If you can't decide between 2 or 3
    pick 2 and 3 will happen any way.

    As to Israel , it's easy to always say it's a part of the strife .
    But they just want to be left alone
    & develop an economy worthy of living free .
    Palestinians that live there have a better life then there home country .
    If Israel falls we are next

    But what about us could a major war call for a moratorium of selling any metal's out of USA . And if metal was needed for war efforts
    how would scrappers fare during metal drives as was done during WW2


    I'd say we would look very UN-Americana if we would just not give what we have for FREE !
    NOPE I don't want - war - floods .
    I just want to work & scrap a little so I can collect some cash for my efforts .
    Last edited by Copper Head; 09-14-2014 at 06:45 PM.

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  15. #8
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    Two quotes I think describe the problem:

    The war will end when the Arabs love their children more than they hate the Jews.

    Israelis use their bombs and rockets to protect their children. The Palistinians use their children to protect their bombs and rockets.

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  17. #9
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    I don't have any predictions concerning scrap prices, but I've been making some money on the stock market because of the condition of the world..........

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  19. #10
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    Yeah ... the state of Israel is another MAJOR source of irritation for the Muslims. They consider that territory to be a part of the Nation of Islam. The Jews cite the Old Testament and the presence of the remains of the Temple of Solomon as establishing their inherent right to that particular piece of property.

    It doesn't help that that the Muslims knocked down the temple and built a mosque on top of it hundreds of years ago. The foundation of the original structure still remains though. The rest is denial,denial,denial, and a bitter feud over who has a right to what that's been going on for centuries.


    The place where people get hung up is the holy books. As books of religion they differ and people fight about those differences. They all fervently believe that theirs is the only true faith.

    The sad thing is that as books of law there's not a great deal of difference. A basically good and decent person is not likely to run into major problems living under Muslim,Christian,or Hebrew law as long as those religions are practiced in [U]moderation[U].

    Life in Saudi Arabia is not all that bad. The leadership of the royal family is fairly good. They've taken the proceeds from their oil wealth and used them to enrich the lives of all of their citizens. As a Saudi citizen you're entitled to a free college education, healthcare, and a yearly salary from the government. It's still a restricted life but a positive change in their society is coming slowly.

    What i would watch for is a cease to all of the infighting amongst the Muslims. If one group clearly emerges as the victor and they unify all of those different countries into the United States of Islam then their next step will be to spread the religion worldwide.

    As long as they are busy fighting amongst themselves they won't pose a significant threat to the U.S. -or - the Israelis.

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  21. #11
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrappah View Post
    . The two biggest are the Sunni & Shea. When left to their own devices they will fight amongst themselves over which particular type of the Muslim faith is the correct one. When faced with a common enemy like an invading ( Christian) America they will temporarily set aside their differences to ward off the foe.

    Our presence there created chaos and disrupted the balance of powers in the region. The withdrawal of our military created opportunities for the different factions of the Muslim faith to rush in and seize control.

    That's exactly what they're doing right now. They're back to fighting amongst themselves for control of the region.
    I know of a quote, it worked here with the Maori before the 'White man' arrived.

    "I fight my brother.
    My brother and I fight the next door neighbour.
    My brother and I and the next door neighbour fight the next block.
    My brother and I and the next door neighbour and the next block fight the next suburb.
    My brother and I and the next door neighbour and the next block and the next suburb fight the next town
    My brother and I and the next door neighbour and the next block and the next suburb and the next town fight the next city.
    My brother and I and the next door neighbour and the next block and the next suburb and the next town and the next city fight the next country"

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  23. #12
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    So blah blah politics and blah blah religion

    The important thing here is the Almighty Dollar.

    Are you guys stocking up on certain metals (precious or otherwise), what kind, and how much?
    "Don't try to be a great man, just be a man. Let history make its own judgments"

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  25. #13
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    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  27. #14
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    I'm very sensitive to that BC.

    When you're in business you've got to be brave & keep a clear head when things get hectic. You do that with rational thinking.

    The subject at hand " The Coming of War ?

    War isn't coming. When you understand history, human nature, and the way societies move then you understand why. What may appear to be a political or religious discussion really isn't.

    Point being: The economy could better but otherwise it's business as usual. What you're seeing on TV every day isn't likely to be a major factor in the mix.

  28. #15
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    The topic was if war is on the horizon and yards are holding prices even if metal prices are dropping it may be beneficial to stockpile what you have when prices go up to keep the machine producing. There was no mention of why or who is causing a war to start. Discussions that go down that road usually end up with bad blood between people.

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  30. #16
    Scrappah's Avatar
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    Thank you for correcting me. I see now that it was posed as a purely hypothetical question.

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  32. #17
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    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  34. #18
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    Ok I have the guitar, someone light the campfire and on the count of three.....

    Kumbaya my lord ....kumbayaaaa

    Now back to your regularly scheduled scrap metal forum!

  35. #19
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    Ok I have the guitar, someone light the campfire and on the count of three.....

    Kumbaya my lord ....kumbayaaaa

    Now back to your regularly scheduled scrap metal forum!

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  37. #20
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    as a practicing muslim who has been to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Mexico, Germany & the USA, i can say a lot here
    but i dont think this is the appropriate forum for this

    i also believe all of u should leave all political & religious issues out of these forums.
    go join Stormfront etc if u want to go on about that.

    this is Scrap Metal Forums-lets stick to that-please.

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