Alright, so this morning we decided to tackle the beast! After a little bit of contemplatiom and inspection, we decided that the table wasn't complete enough to be resold, so it was rime to break it down for scrap. It was a real bugger! Probably took the two of us about 2 hours (Mr. Scrapzilla manhandling, me handing tools mostly.)
The table base is just shred and we immediately set it to the side. The table top was a big piece of stainless and the three slots (where the little containers of food sat) were also stainless. Removing those "slots" was the most time consuming part of the job. It involved the use of a grinder and a 6 ft pry bar.
The table still in the trailer. Y'all should've seen us getting that thing in there!
We weren't really sure what kind of cooling mechanism would be contained in the table top. We kind of expected a couple of coils, similar to an AC. Boy, were we surprised!
Horrible picture, but those are 8 ft long pieces of copper tubing! Yay! That made our day!
So, we ended up with a big chunk of shredder...
Maybe 250 lbs? 300? Don't know, will find out tomorrow. Also the pile of copper...
And a nice little stack of stainless! Don't know how we will end up, but I'm not disappointed!