Hope this works. What you should be seeing is a time I loaded the van with ewaste. Had to drive a little out of area but I literally filled the van, couldn't see rearview or passenger mirrors and had to take a smaller highway home.
Hope this works. What you should be seeing is a time I loaded the van with ewaste. Had to drive a little out of area but I literally filled the van, couldn't see rearview or passenger mirrors and had to take a smaller highway home.
Sweet it worked. Thanks Admin for the instruction on inserting a url! Okay now when I have time I will find the others I have and get them up here.
Another of the same load.
And here is about 500 lbs of "dealer clips" (clean steel, no plastic/wood), the first time I loaded up the van after starting to use it for scrapping.
Cool! What are "dealer clips" again; pieces of computer boxes? advertising signs?...
My local yard takes any steel, tin, iron that's not cast or torching as "dealer clips" if it has no plastic or wood attached. So metal shelving, bike frames (no tires), computer towers with the front removed, and any little pieces of steel (even screws). It pays about 1.5 cents a lb more than shred. So I just pile my "dealer clips" up at the side of the house and wait til I have weight.
Aw I wish my yard did that! But then again I get such a good price for tin I can't really complain.
"Don't try to be a great man, just be a man. Let history make its own judgments"
The yard I'm talking about is pretty big and probably half their operation is as an auto wrecker. I think they do this to keep their sorting time down. Get us small time "scrap dealers" to sort shred from clean metal and give us .02/lb for our trouble. I don't complain though, it's just another way to put $$$ in my pocket.
I will have to review how to post pics...can anyone tell me how to make them bigger when I post them? The only camera I have is my phone.
Last edited by AdmiralAluminum; 10-06-2014 at 10:17 AM.
Can you upload the phone to your computer, if so then get an account that'll hold your pic's (like photobucket & others) then from there to here;
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
Google+ already uploads for me automatically. Even with photobucket I can enlarge but I can't get the focus part to work.
crank up the resolution on your phone a little bit in the camera settings
Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana - Bill Gates
Sorry for the highjack.....why do we have to use an external site to upload pictures to, only to upload them here? Why can we not load pics directly from our phones or computers where most of us store pictures anyway? Other forums I belong to enable members to upload directly from whatever device you are using.
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
I would have said the same thing but didn't want to sound like an a$$. I'm not good with computers (unless you count gutting one in under 3 min) and never understand why one computer never wants to talk to another one.
I feel the same way Admiral especially when it comes to "smart" phones. I always tell my wife I am going back to using two tin cans and some string
Its about money. Extra storage for all those pictures costs money. Paying someone to code all of that into the site costs money.
I dont want to store my pics on this site. I only want to be able to upload ones from my cell or laptop direct to a thread. Upload image, attach to a thread and post. Thats it. There is an option to make albums in our profiles but you can not take them from there and put into a post either. Which probably uses more storage than just to post in a thread.
yeah but for others to be able to view it, it has to be uploaded and saved to the server of the site or a linked data server in order for others to see it
I've been using photobucket on my trapping forum for about 5 years and think it works pretty good. Just a matter of copying the code in front after the pix is in the library and pasting it in here. Sort of second nature for me now. And I also don't have a smart phone so maybe I'm still biased to more old school computing and networking. Some old dogs never learn new tricks...
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