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My first Pickup and it was NICE

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    My first Pickup and it was NICE

    So this is my first Non-Curbco pickup. Everything was free. I recently hauled a ton (2000lbs) of wood pellets and based on how far my truck sagged I'd say this load was about 1500lbs. There was a bunch of rolls of 12/2 and 14/2 some good aluminum and a friggan huge battery, weighed like 80 lbs and have 8 terminals on it, along with a few other batteries and about 150lbs of cylinder heads. What yall think? I'd love some guesstimate of the value. BTW thios is a full sized bed on a 2014 silverado work truck.

    Sorry, some pics are blurry, was trying to get it unloaded before dark.

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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    There was some brass valves in that grill. Everything comes apart on them and then their clean brass
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    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    Yea I'm gona separate and dismantle everything tomorrow night.

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    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    I am still confused about some of the non-ferrous seperation from like tin, aluminum and light steel. Monday will be my first yard run and I hope to learn a decent amount about separation.

  7. #5
    spinroch's Avatar
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    Study here before you sell non-ferrous to the yard. It will save you some $$$
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  9. #6
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    tin can be actual tin, but you most likely will not find much.

    Generally, tin, light steel, light iron, and shred are all the same thing. Its like soda, pop, and soda pop. It depends on where you are on what it is called.

    Ferrous is magnetic, not ferrous is not. Electric motors havd a magnetic part, but are sold in the non ferrous part of the yard.

    aluminum has several types/grades. you could go to 6 yards and have the same load sorted 7 ways. you really have to find out how they want is sorted. almost every yard at least separates cast aluminum from the other types. That grill should have a cast aluminum top.

    the batteries you really should get at least .25 lb for them. any less than .20 find another buyer. many of us get about .30 but that really is an awesome price for someone with small amounts.

    on the wire, i would suggest stripping at least some of it to see what its like before deciding whether to strip or turn in whole. there are many debates on this. for me an offer of 1.50 lb and I won't strip it.
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    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    Matt, I plan on stripping all of the wire, I do alot of electrical so for the amount Ill have on hand I'm adding the time to strip it all, house wire anyways, electronic will go in as coated wire. The motors I plan on stripping the copper then selling as electric motor. Its getting into the similar non-ferrous im confused on. I know copper and brass. What I'm really confused on, is galvanized and cast iron and regular steel and iron. Are they all the same? I plan on any non magnetic basically being aluminum? (i think) for the non copper/brass, but its the ferrous I'm confused on separating, or is it even worth separating? I have done alot of reading and I;m sure ill learn each time i take it to the yard and ask how i could have sorted it better but extra advice never hurts. I'm taking my haul next monday, have an ultra sound visit for my wife near the yard so gona kill two birds with one stone. And ill be sure to post the paycheck to show everyone how i did my first go.

  12. #8
    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    Oh and scrapalot, i saw your thanks and thank you but i was really looking forward to reading one of your footnote quotes lol

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  14. #9
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    different yards have different definitions for heavy steel you have to ask someone at the yard. there is prepared(short) steel and unprepared. cast iron sometimes goes in the short steel pile. old sinks and bathtubs can be cast iron.

    as far as I know, no one wants galvanized in thier prepared or unprepared pile.

    the difference between stainless and aluminum is tricky sometimes, and hard to explain without showing. stainless is generally heavier. stainless sparks when hit with a grinder. over time you can learn to tell just by what it was used for.

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  16. #10
    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    Matt, on the bottom right of the second picture, its the metal around a roof vent. does that look galvanized to you? I may be mistaken assuming it is.

  17. #11
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    looks galvanized to me.

  18. #12
    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    So can i throw that into the junk scrap pile?

  19. #13
    pjost's Avatar
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    Fubar: you are making it way more complicated than it is. At least the ferrous from my perspective. If it sticks to a magnet, throw it in the iron pile.
    Of course that's just what I do, do as you will, or what you think is the best advise.

    And 701 is the area code for the entire state of North Dakota. Just a lil tidbit for you.
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  21. #14
    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    Thats what I was thinking for the ferrous. What do you mean by the 701 area code? Do I have my number entered wrong?

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  23. #15
    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    Ahhhh i see what yah did there lol. Sorry a lil bit of celebratory buzz at the moment...

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  25. #16
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    LOL @ PJ for picking on Fubar.

    He's obviously disoriented as I've not made my post yet!

    The quote will come Fubar, don't worry. ha ha!

    As PJ said, it's not as complicated as it sounds my friend. If it sticks to a magnet throw it in the shred pile. Not sure if Matt touched on this or not, but you will also find most yards have what they call Dirty Alum, which is of course Alum with steel, or plastic, etc on it. My yard when I first started using them, would dock me on my alum beach chairs cause of the rivets. They eventually stopped that, due to being bribed with cold water, lunch now an then, an cold beverages when I'd see them out an about on the sandbar. I of course think they did it cause of my pure awesomeness, but it's all good.

    As Spin said there is a good bit on here about ferrous an non-ferrous. From spark tests to magnet checking.

    Get things sorted as much as you can, an then before you hand stuff over to them for the scale..ask some questions. A good yard will help educate you in my opinion. Means less work for them when you come in. You'll learn as you go, an hopefully any mistakes you do make when sorting won't cost you as much as it has some of us. Heh.

    Either way I wish ya much luck on your first trip to the yard.

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  27. #17
    Fubar701 started this thread.
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    Finally the quote, I refused to go to bed until i saw it!! Yea I think monday I'm going to take all my batteries and the non ferrous, then I'm gonna take a few lbs of my sample sorting to see how I did before I bring in the rest. Going right next to the yard for wifes ultrasound anyways so trips not a loss. And I think I may have to drop off a 12 pack for a little education As always thank you for the info everyone and of course scrapalot, thx for the extra knowledge and the quote ( I honestly have read about 400 quotes from your posts lol)

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