LOL @ PJ for picking on Fubar.
He's obviously disoriented as I've not made my post yet!
The quote will come Fubar, don't worry. ha ha!
As PJ said, it's not as complicated as it sounds my friend. If it sticks to a magnet throw it in the shred pile. Not sure if Matt touched on this or not, but you will also find most yards have what they call Dirty Alum, which is of course Alum with steel, or plastic, etc on it. My yard when I first started using them, would dock me on my alum beach chairs cause of the rivets. They eventually stopped that, due to being bribed with cold water, lunch now an then, an cold beverages when I'd see them out an about on the sandbar.

I of course think they did it cause of my pure awesomeness, but it's all good.
As Spin said there is a good bit on here about ferrous an non-ferrous. From spark tests to magnet checking.
Get things sorted as much as you can, an then before you hand stuff over to them for the scale..ask some questions. A good yard will help educate you in my opinion. Means less work for them when you come in. You'll learn as you go, an hopefully any mistakes you do make when sorting won't cost you as much as it has some of us. Heh.
Either way I wish ya much luck on your first trip to the yard.
Sirscrapalot - Golf is more fun than walking naked in a strange place, but not much. - Buddy Hackett