So I have been slow with scrapping lately since I really have no way of driving around to get it because I am not 16 yet so I was brainstorming ideas on how to make some extra cash to get the $ I need for my trailer and here it is....
Candle Making!
People spend crazy amounts of $ Like $30 per candle at a place like yankee candle and its really not hard to make candles. I did my research on how to double boil the wax, scent it properly, put the right size wicks in, the right amount of color and its a go! I just ordered 18 jars and 10 pounds of wax, purple, orange, black colors for my first haloween candles. I will post pics when I make them but they will be pumpkin pie scented and 3 different color layered, I hope the turn out well. I can sell them for $10/ piece and if I keep making tons by haloween I know enough people that will buy them to where I can sell about 50 of them. Ill post some pics when I get the supplies.