Originally Posted by
The value of this thread is to, hopefully, embarrass some to do some study to prevent them from hurting them selves or worse. some one else.
Some times a little reality or, if you prefer "tough love' is required to wake some folks up. just my .02
Aha....that olddude is a crafty one. Using psychology / now that shows maturity and tact. Speaking of maturity, I'm not too far behind olddude in age.
With that said, I've often wondered just what topics would be showing up on this forum in the future because it seems like everything under the sun has been discussed and is in the archives. I've even been guilty of not asking questions in a new thread just for that reason. The ones I have asked have been answered graciously by many of you and it is appreciated. Another thought......when a question arises from a newby, it may be a boring subject to the oldtimiers, but with other newbys responding to it, then there could surely be some new ideas/input supplied that are not in the archives.
I appreciate all the old and new members on this site. Thanks for your ideas, stories and pictures.