Some of the power supplys have a small, easy to break in 1/2, transformer in them. Some have Copper heatsinks, very few of them.
There's no scrap dealers who buy
escrap here, in my area or in the whole of NZ. There's one guy who does have a 'contact' in Asia who buys escrap. He has got the 'contact' thru buying Jappa cars 'n vans and tearing out the engines/gearboxes and shipping them in containers to Asia & the middle east.
So its going to be a learning curve for both of us.
I am on a benefit, no shame in that in NZ. Stress mainly, screws up my eyesight, fall over... People stress mostly, asbergic don't help either. I expect the truth because that's what truth is, reality. False is fake, fake is not real, not real in a real world is stress.
So, scrapmetal does not involve others much and removes ambiguity. Scrapmetal is about the only game where "If I do this, you will give me this $$" and it actually happens like that. 'Cept a couple of times, sorted that out of the mix.
I am self reliant, got my own house when I was working, welding fitting turning construction. Have a trade.
Today, on the walk to the scrapmetal, found a pile of Ali cans and will get them tomorrow.
I didn't get much other metal, spent the day scrapping down a 4 toner photocopier, unscrewing screws.....
From that I got a bunch of stepper motors for my mini lathe. The emco minilathe works well if the hand wheels are turned by motors. Turned by hand the machine finish is rough, it needs consistancy. Stepper motors will do that.
Next step would be semi CNC controls. My next door neighbour is a computer buff/tinkerer. Great guy, ex school teacher & Vietnam vet. He's really interested in doing the computer stuff for it.
Its going to be set up inside a older Singer sewing machine case. Portable.
On a side note, I am intending to build a metal lathe from a set of motorbike front shocks. Sounds weird, but I'm a fitter/turner, latheworks my job. Sort of a cross between a mini lathe and a Capstan lathe, but using only specific second hand parts. Probably a collet chuck. And a tailstock using the 5 piston car AC pump, 5 tools in it.
Ok, so today I got stepper motors, big handfull of steel shafts, plastic coated wire, Copper strips, Ali rocker cover, Ali housing, Copper winding drier motor. Found a large flatscreen LCD tv, will check that tomorrow for broken screen.
But mostly I am near finished the clearing of the guys yard.
Tomorrow I start on the plotter printer, which I want most of the parts from for a project. And scrap some 26 v DC power supplys, toroid transformers, from CCTV system. I wish I could do something with them, sell them.
But scrappings quicker. I don't have a need for them, 12 + 26v outputs for cct cameras..