Just an FYI or warning, I was totally ripped off at Maryland Recycle in Rosedale this past weekend. Several things were wrong and I may not be going back there. This yard is fairly lenient on how you prepare your scrap. They take double and single insulated wire together with ends on them for the same price which I'm OK with and they sometime mix other things like SS and Al. That is where it started this time. I had my SS and Al separate and they mixed them together giving me SS price which is the lower of the two. Then they mixed my dirty brass and clean brass and gave me the dirty brass price for everything. They often dump things in the same bin after they tare the scale. That is what I thought until I saw my ticket and everything was dirty brass.
Next it was .35 for #2 insulated wire. I don't go to the yard a lot, but 2 months ago it was .85 for #2 and I can't think that it went down that much in such a short time? Can anyone confirm this price? The last thing was I brought in 3 car batteries and a smaller battery from a backup system and they weighed me out at 16 lbs. I can promise you that 3 batteries weigh more than 16 lbs. Most of these things I didn't notice until I got home. I did fight with the guy to get extruded Al for my heatsinks instead of cast. But I ended up losing $2 in that operation. I didn't get a good look at the original ticket before he ripped it up and gave me the extruded price, but maybe he penalized me for saying something. It has been my experience that extruded is worth more than cast. So if I decide to go there again I will let them know more firmly that I know what I have and I want to know the category and weight for everything that is going on the ticket. I'm a part timer doing mostly
E-waste, so I only get to the yard every few months. Maybe they didn't think that I know what I'm doing. And I guess they were right because I wasn't paying attention to their grading and weights until it was too late. Lesson learned. Is anyone else having a similar problem? If not, watch out if you go there, so it doesn't happen to you.