I went to the yard today with some shred and 3 TVs (crt). When I got there I noticed there were TVs (crt and lcd) in the shred pile and thought to myself "someone hasn't been doing their job today". Unload, pull up to small scale, fill cart with
e-waste and go in. As I'm waiting I hear the scale guy telling the people in front of me that TVs go in the shred pile now. Whuh? Not only does this mean that there's no way they are getting recycled properly now, I just lost up to $.04/lb depending on the list price. WTF? Got no explanation other than "We will still take TVs, they just go in the shred now".
I will still pick up TVs now, but I have to limit how far I will go to get them. I still make good coin of the innards, I just won't make as much on the whole.
I'm starting to wonder what's up with this place as they stopped taking sealed units (
a/c, fridge, etc.) "unless the lines are cut and evacuated" and now this, I guess I should get off my butt and start looking a little further than the next town for a decent e-waste yard.