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Interesting Finds

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    Interesting Finds

    Quote Originally Posted by DakotaRog View Post
    Ask Patriot76 how much stuff he's pulled out of "the trees"??
    Borrowed a quote here from DakotaRog on the "People are Pigs" thread. Yep, Rog, that's our bacon.....those "trees". I do mainly farm cleanup and the wife and I have fun unearthing those treasures from the past while scrapping. It's interesting just what all is underground around an old shop. Aside from the various horseshoes and boxes of nails, broken forks and a brass barrel spigot, there are those items that must have ruined Grandpa's day when it broke such as a shaft from some bygone one-horse implement that was forged together before welders came on the scene. More interestingly, I dug an old safe (size of a block of salt to you cattlemen) out of a building and pried it open. (It wasn't locked but very rusty). It was full of................ AIR !! Then there was the tin can buried under a wooden foundation that yielded some more precious oxygen. I think my next fantasy will entail the use of a metal detector.

    There's interesting finds out there.....whether in the ditch like redcrossnj found, in the ''trees'' or underground.

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    RLS0812's Avatar
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    Metal detecting can be fun - and profitable .
    FYI - square nails in really good condition can sell for $0.10 to $0.50 each at flea markets.

    Also - if you ever find ceramic wire insulators from an old house stamped "made in occupied Japan", keep them. They are rare.

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    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    A month or so ago found a WWII flamethrower at the landfill, listed on ebay then after receiving three offers finally accepted the third $2150.00 USD.

    The flame thrower was made in the Uk, looked like a life presver and used napalm.

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