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TV and electronics mother load

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  1. #1
    sschind is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    TV and electronics mother load

    I have hit upon the mother load for TVs and electronics. Or have I? I used to pick up TVs and CRT monitors and the like when I found them but sparingly for lack of a place to dispose of the CRTs. Then I heard GoodWill would take them so I grabbed a few more over the course of a few months and gradually unloaded my stock of a dozen or so leftovers between a couple of Goodwill locations. Then a friend tells me that all I have to do is bring my TVs and electronics to the county yardwaste landfill and they have a dumpster there specifically for electronics. I brought in a few and lo and behold I find a huge walk in dumpster full of TVs, AC's, Monitors, CPUs etc (mainly TVs though) The vast majority of them have the cords which tells me they have not been scrapped.

    The problem is I don't know if they will allow me to take them, rip them down, and then return them. Personally I don't see why not but maybe they are selling them to a scrapper down the line and they wouldn't take kindly to all their scrap being prescrapped if you know what I mean. Maybe they would have a problem with liability issues. Who knows.

    I know All I need to do is ask but what I am afraid of is that if I make my intentions known they will realize that the TVs I am bringing in are all scrap and they might put an end to it. This place is less than a mile from my house and only open for about 3 hours twice a week and all day on Saturday. I'd love to be able to back up, unload a bunch of garbage and load up with a load of scrappable stuff only to return itthe next week and repeat the process but I'm a little leery and I don't know if the old geezer who monitors it would go for it. Nothing ventured nothing gained I guess. Maybe I'll stop by this week during one of their short hour days.

  2. #2
    msmoorad is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    try to make friends first
    maybe bring him a bag of donuts etc

    then speak about taking the stuff u want

  3. #3
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Yeah there is probably no way they will let you . The landfill near me frowns heavily on scavenging . I also know the employees are not allowed to take things either . Maybe diffrent in your neck of the woods . good luck thou !

    P.s. Take them doughnuts either way they are providing a outlet for your trash free of charge , and it might just grease the wheel you need to make your dream a reality
    Buying ewaste and video games !

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    PickerBenny is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Never hurts to ask, maybe throw in some cash on parts, good luck

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  6. #5
    saturninin is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    TV and electronics mother load

    I know my county has the same "free disposal" and they already had a deal with upstream recycler in Chicago that paid the county by pound for all of the e-waste . I'm guessing this probably will be the same thing for you

  7. #6
    matador's Avatar
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    I doubt they'll let you do that. If they don't have an upstream recycler, you do have a chance, though.

    They won't want to tick off a major recycler, though. If all of their TVs/CRTs were gutted, they could lose the contract. They won't likely want to take that risk.

    If you want to do it, I'd grease the skids and see what happens. What's the worst that could happen? You'd probably be in the same boat as you are now.

  8. #7
    DakotaRog is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Last I heard, our landfill has "official" scrappers who can take anything recyclable from at least the "rubble" pits. I think they award it by bid.

    The city (which runs the landfill) has a electronic take at their "hazardous waste" facility. I'm careful not t take down more than 1 tv or crt at a time because they'll then ask "are you a business?" with no scalability between someone who brings in a tv a month or thousands in a year. They've never said anything about my units not having any power cords hanging out of the back...

  9. #8
    JayBear480 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I don't see why there would be any issue with bringing back items which you have scrapped - they take trash, right? If they accept any non-hazardous trash, then there would be no issue with accepting your pre-scrapped electronics. That's what your leftovers are - trash. Actually, part trash, part recyclable material.

    As far as taking un-scrapped electronics from the dump, that's a place by place thing. I've only heard of two dumps that allow you to take items. One that charges by total weight upon exit (drive on scale). They charged more than I thought they would, but still low enough to profit. The other place didn't allow it in such high volume - it was more of a situational thing, you're there and you see something you want, you ask "hey can I grab that I need the parts for a project" and most of the time they are cool with it.

    I went on a tour of our local "materials sorting and transfer station" - the idea was to teach residents what happens to the recyclables and trash after the trucks pick up your barrel.

    Recyclables are machine sorted. Trash is trash, untouched due to employee safety. But here's what's relative to this discussion, all "White goods", meaning appliances, are thrown off to the side in their own area. On regular intervals an outside company comes by to gut the appliances for their copper, motors, wires, etc and the metal carcasses are left at the recycling facility to go in with their misc. metal recyclables. This company holds a contract with the company who owns and operates the dump.

    The only dumps you're going to get stuff from are smaller operation dumps, and be prepared to pay. They know you're making money and they want a cut.

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