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Scrapper tv shows

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    DevinThaScrapper started this thread.
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    Scrapper tv shows

    Anyone know any good tv shows or movies on scrappers?

    Found 2 so far one is a series about nj scrappers and shows there whacky adventures, it's funny and enjoyable

    Than I found a movie called scrapper on Netflix and it was horrible. Really bad never watch it.

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  3. #2
    armstrt8's Avatar
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    Is the one with the guys in NJ where they have a van? And work out of a shop under an apartment building?

  4. #3
    DevinThaScrapper started this thread.
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    It's called scrappers. Spike tv. was cancelled after 2 seasons but u can watch on their website. It's humorous, in 1 episode they smash their van into someone's mailbox and in another they hit a Lexus when towing a scrap car and leave a sticky note.

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  6. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    TruTV that says it all.

    Now I know why people expect the three stooges when they call for a scrapper.

    Never seen it but being on the station it is does say a lot. I have seen shows like Lizard Lick Towing, South Beach Towing, etc on there so I'm not just being mean. The station should be called "Fake or scrippted tv cept for the video ones like Dumbest Criminals, etc"

    Whatever, not my cup of tea but glad you enjoy it.

    Share your shows people, maybe there is a sleeper out there.

    Sirscrapalot - Truth in advertising never made it in to the world of "reality TV" it seems. - Me.

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  8. #5
    Gravitar's Avatar
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    It's called Scrappers. You have to buy it, but its really good in my opinion.

    Scrappers Documentary
    Made in China, Recycled in the Republic of Texas!

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  10. #6
    matador's Avatar
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    Decent reality TV? Come on!

    Tonight, on E-Waste wars, Jennifer takes apart a Gateway 2000! Mike figures out how to open a Compaq, and Brandon has his hands full with a Packard Bell!

    Tomorrow, on Vehicle Recyclers Iowa (Every place has a version, like Law and Order), Brad fights with a winch cable. Meanwhile, prices are down at the yard.


    Yeah, right! Who would watch that? Of course, who watches what they make now?

    Just sayin...

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  12. #7
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    I watch a lot of shows on the "History Channel", my favorites "Pawn Stars" and "American Pickers" although neither are totally a Scraper type shows. They do give some perspective on Better than Scrap value of things.

    Recently my cable company was doing some repair work and we were without cable for 1/2 of a day. In my house it was like, the end of life as we know it or maybe the end of life literally! Personally I could have went weeks and months, but daughter and GF could not. So out of desperation I hooked up a TV to some old "rabbit ears", I found these on my pile behind the shop (less than 5 min.).

    Anyway I was surprised how many channels could be found on free TV, just like it used to be! Entertained myself anyway. One of the first things I discovered was a channel called "Antenna TV" and a "Sanford and Sons episode. This has to be my all time favorite scrapers TV show. I had just forgotten about it and needed the absence of modern cable to remind me of this.

    Fred and Lamont the original "Sanitation Engineers". They tell and remind me of a couple of things: 1. It is what it is, Junk with value, 2. We are what we are, no matter what we want to call ourselves, 3. There is no get rich schemes, hard work, commitment and dedication is what works, 4. Family is the most important thing and what really matters.

    Long live Rabbit Ears and The old sitcoms.
    Last edited by bigburtchino; 11-01-2014 at 11:30 PM.

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  14. #8
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    Scraper the movie is very good but you have to buy. If you go on YouTube do a search for "scrap metal shows" and change the filter setting to time greater then 20 min you will see some good ducumentaris also look for southern scrapers it was a reality show pilot but it's so bad it's funny.

  15. #9
    NJSouth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matador View Post
    Decent reality TV? Come on!

    Tonight, on E-Waste wars, Jennifer takes apart a Gateway 2000! Mike figures out how to open a Compaq, and Brandon has his hands full with a Packard Bell!

    Tomorrow, on Vehicle Recyclers Iowa (Every place has a version, like Law and Order), Brad fights with a winch cable. Meanwhile, prices are down at the yard.


    Yeah, right! Who would watch that? Of course, who watches what they make now?

    Just sayin...
    You forgot "Real Scrapper Wives of Hazard County" Junior finds out his screwdriver doesn't belong in Emma Lu's copper pipe. Right after that stay tuned for "Scrapper Hoarders" the ultimate oxymoron show. Now if we could get Paris Hilton or that Nasty Kardashian to do some scrap tv we may be on to something!!!

    And I seriously did like the Spike TV 'Scrappers" Jimmy Nootz' crew was the best!!

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  17. #10
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    Sanford and son. 1970's

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  19. #11
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    Reality. Really?
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  20. #12
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    I would watch a show of curb shopping on a bike. I sometimes watch helmet cam bike videos. The more likely show to get ratings is big salvage with explosions and massive impacts that become teasers before commercial breaks.

  21. #13
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    Scrapping Naked and Afraid!

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  23. #14
    Swampy's Avatar
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    I'd heard about that "Scrappers" documentary, so I bought and watched it today. I thought it was cool. Very "human interest" angle", but (imo) definitely worth watching. It zeroed in on the reality of living (literally) day to day on scrapping. I won't get into the politics of one facet of it (watch for yourself and form your own opinions), but I enjoyed it. In fact, part of this thing royally p*$$ed me off.... but that said, I found it very interesting.

    Would love someone to take this a step or two (or several) beyond.

    Also checked out the "Southern" scrapping show on youtube. I was born and raised in the South and I am very proud of my heritage. That said, ..... well I guess I will keep my thoughts on that show to myself. There is a reason it didn't make it to a network. You can watch and decide for yourselves.

    Also checked out part of one episode of the Spike TV show mentioned previously. Unfortunately, it was a bad one to start on...someone was apparently getting married and they (guys & gals) were going to a salon. I didn't make 4 or 5 minutes of that one. I will try to find another episode, maybe, but .... that sucked.

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