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Everyone is lamenting low steel prices, but I still remember the days of .005 around here. Yes, that's a half a cent per pound. When it went up to 1 cent per pound, I thought I was raking it in! Soon after that, I was finding cars for my uncle to haul to the shredder and getting $50 each for them. Even better money.
Oh, and I wish I had all the copper back that I sold at 35 cents.
I do subscribe to your get it when you see it plan. I also have the sell it when I have it plan. I think it all averages out pretty well.
Bet gas wasn't above 1$ a gal back than either. I know when you were my age bread was a nickel too!!! But what your leaving out is overhead was low and I'm betting you didn't have to pay much if any for them cars you sold for 50$, so really by comparison of cost to profit ratio, you made a killing.
Currently with my overhead and low prices I have effectively stopped buying scrap. Unless it's free and close by I won't mess with it, period. and as for cars, 250 maximum and within 35 miles or not buying. Screw these idiots who think they're beloved pos is worth 1000 and it lacks any sort of value except for shred weight. Generally, screw these worthless prices and screw all the "500$ cash for your pos car guys." Screw the owners who outright misrepresent the condition of the car or lie bout parts being "stolen" when the parts in question are clearly in plain view on the front porch.
Ok I'm done ranting, for now.