Change your strategy! Gold goes down, start doing refurbs and selling at more than scrap value.
Same goes for anything else. 1. Fracking will not stop, MOST of the result for it is natural gas which has been pretty stable. Lower prices also mean a boon for the corporate market. There has been an artificial inflation in energy costs for about 10 years now, maybe we can get back to sensible prices for everything from food to heating the house. I still remember paying 88 cents a gallon for propane, and that's been a while. The only industries these prices really affect negatively (my own opinion) are built around wall street, futures, speculations, complicated mutual funds...etc. bad business ANYWAYS. We may see a purge of bad business practices and an increase in employment numbers over the next six to eight months.
Second, I'm from louisiana, if you think that means less jobs in the oil and gas industry I can tell you that's quite the contrary. If anything there will be more exploration, drilling and capping while the costs to do so are down and leases get cheaper. Gentleman, I think we are in for a boon like we have not seen in twenty five years. Just wait