I gotta say, after doing scrapmetal for so long, you get a 'eye' for it.
Like looking for nonferrous in a ferrous scrap pile, you just SEE it. Its there already. All it took was you.
Just like looking at a crt board, you know when to look, so you look and look and then you see the tanti...
When you know not to bother, you could check out every individual component, but... no tantis at all.
I have found it with containers, "ah, why bother picking up that lolly container.. because its got money in it".
So i pick it up, "nice find $5.40 in it." Or
"Nice find $20"......
"Nice find $8.50...." They have all happened to me.
Same with cigarettes, I don't smoke, but. I do click when I see a pkt with a few cigarettes in it.
So I carry them untill I see someone scrounging for butts. "Hey you lookin for...... here, I found these".
And you know how many times you have been to a ball game and see thousands of people but your eyes pick out the most beautifull female before your brain clicks......
Or, for us engineers, a box of bolts & you know if theres a 3/8 UNF or not.