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I have been taking printers from people for awhile now. The printers have a low yield of return for the amount of time you have to invest. I tried bulk them up so I could process them at the same time. It ended being hopeless when I started so I kept pushing them off. 50 printers later. I took them in Saturday to a place that buys printers at .05/lb. I needed the space like pronto and didn't really have a choice. My weight was 419.55 pounds @ .05/lb equals $20.98. What joke. I hope to not let that ever happen again.
At least you have somewhere that will take that quantity at one time. I'm sitting on over 3000 pounds of them, mostly larger network printers as opposed to personal size. Some of my yards don't like seeing large quantities come in at one time. Too much plastic on them. Funny thing is that by the time you get the boards outs, there is considerably less plastic. I just don't want to load up 3000 pounds at one time and then have to take them back home.