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  1. #1
    gravygrabber started this thread.
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    Been awhile but here's the latest load to the scrapper.

    Haven't been scrapping too much as of late. I was into scrapping last winter pretty hard but the payout wasn't as much as I was expecting. Prices have gone up here though and I need the $$$ so I'm back at it. Took a load in today of mostly steel and a little alum. wire, copper and got about $36 bucks. Not bad. Metal came from a CL ad I put out and the guy just wanted it gone.

    The metal on the top that looks like a ladder or ramp for ATV's I kept along with two long pieces of L bar for welding projects. Under that was a boiler and a water tank. Then misc. pieces of metal and pipe. There was a small amount of copper #3 and copper #2 and the alum. wire.

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  3. #2
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    A true scraping truck. Love it. Hope you realize the more it rusts, the less weight when you have to scrap it.

  4. #3
    gravygrabber started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    A true scraping truck. Love it. Hope you realize the more it rusts, the less weight when you have to scrap it.
    My boss joked he wouldn't be surprised if I just scrapped the truck along with what's in the bed. I'm into the truck $800 total probably and it's 4wd so I'm happy. The cab is pretty rust free just the beds go to hell on these. It's the perfect scrap rig in my opinion. Last year I was using my Tundra and the gas was killing me. The truck was pretty new too and I didn't like putting batteries and leaky junk in the bed. Now I don't care at all. The gas mileage is great and you can really load the crap out of these 80's yotas. Its got solid axle front end. It's tough

  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Gravy, If you have to just cut a piece of sheet steel (lite) to fit the floor and have someone tack weld it onto your floor. That's if you have holes developing in the bed. The bigger holes on the side you could cut out the worst and pop rivet a couple pieces of tin there. Tin you usually can hammer into shape if needed.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  6. #5
    gravygrabber started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Gravy, If you have to just cut a piece of sheet steel (lite) to fit the floor and have someone tack weld it onto your floor. That's if you have holes developing in the bed. The bigger holes on the side you could cut out the worst and pop rivet a couple pieces of tin there. Tin you usually can hammer into shape if needed.
    I got a mig welder I could do it. I was actually thinking about doing that already...When I first got the truck the oil and coolant got milky. I thought it had a bad head gasket but the chain had worn through the timing cover coolant passage. I ended up replacing the chain and guides and I'm cheap so I actually welded the timing cover with my alum. spool gun attachment then I filed the alum. beads down flat and reused the cover. Worked awesome.

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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Don't know about yours but I know old rusty Fords have bad ground problems on the rear tail lights/brake lights. I had to run a heavy gauge (10ga) from the cab mounts up front back to the ground wires going into the tail lights. The body/frame was so rusted that it would only have intermittent (flickering) tail/brake lights.

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