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I followed our local transfer stations crt disposal chain. Here All crt's pulled from the waste stream are shipped to a facility in southern NH.There the crt's are ground up and then shipped to nulife in NY.
probably the same for Maine, NH, Vermont but not 100% sure can't see anywhere closer to ship them to unless Maine puts them on a boat.
Economics you got it
Only government can run an operation that takes a consistent loss, and should for the good and health of the people and environment
This just keeps getting deeper and deeper.
It's no secret that i'm no big fan of government involvement because it tends to create problems not solve them.
If you check out most of the "bubble back" tv's and computer monitors going into the waste stream they're still working. The reason they're being replaced is because they've been made obsolete by government decree.
This goes back to the Clinton era. There was the mandate that all of the broadcasting stations had to switch over their equipment to send out their signal in HD by a certain date. Then there was that government program where you could send in and get a coupon for a free converter box so that your analog tv could still receive the signal but that kind of setup doesn't work well if you're more than 60 miles from the broadcast station. ( In this area, it's all but useless.)
It looks like the guvmin't got the ball rolling on this cluster***k.
I think we can all agree that this issue is a huge toxic waste problem that's a threat to people & the environment ?