As I have had a cold and the flue for the last week. Here in Southern Cal. we are experiencing a wet December. Tonight the forecast is for snowfall down as low as 2,000 foot in the Los Angeles Metro area (rare). The news is showing a map covering most of the nation with "bitter" cold weather. Been working scrap out in my unheated shop, thermometers indicate my outdoor temperature is 44.6 degrees, the shop temp. is 60.1 and living room with a nice warm fireplace at 78.4 (where I'm at now).
I know how hard we all work at our own individual and necessary scraping endeavors. I have read and seen some of the pictures posted about how much harsher and extreme weather most of you encounter. Just want to say don't over due it and expose yourselves to this cold weather as we say goodbye 2014 . Take care of yours and most important yourselves, wish everyone a prosperous and healthy 2015.