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I'm not a big
escrap guy. What's special about them? How much do they sell for?
I think theres half of a gram of Gold in each one.
Its one of the highest amounts of Gold in a CPU that you can find.
Theres some other chips that are close, but they are from the same era, like the CPU with the two bolts on its Gold plated cap.
Theres a few 0.4 grams of Gold CPU's, they will have a Gold cap, Gold underside and Gold pins.
Like a K5 chip.
From there the amount of Gold drops off quickly, like 0.3gms with a Gold cap/pins.
Then its mostly 0.2 gms for the larger CPU's
Small CPU are from 0.01 to 0.2, depending on which sort.
But I would like to know how much Gold in a 486 or 386 ceramic plain top CPU.