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Don't WASTE your time. video, Opinions - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    Immulmen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkfreak View Post
    Just wondering why you don't cut wire off power supplies.
    I get as much or more if I sell the power supplies with the wires. I have not found anyone local to pay more the shred for power supplies if I cut the wires. Same thing goes for power adapters. I can sell them at low recovery insulated wire or cut the wires off and sell the wire at #2 insulated and the power plug at shred and get less for the time spent cutting the wires. Why would I do that????? I would not brake even if I spent the time taking the brass prong off the power adapters.

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  3. #22
    sledge's Avatar
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    Big Grain of salt here gents.
    It is a Scrap Yard telling you what is worth your time or not.

    See if they BUY all of that stuff that "Just isn't worth the time" for say .08/lb
    Then toss that gaylord into one of those there shredding machines that grinds all of it up and separates it for them into.. copper.. aluminum.. steel... and garbage-- They make the mint.

    If you are willing to:
    A. Do the work
    B. Learn what makes sense for YOUR time personally
    That is the true lesson of all of this. Don't rely on the yard to tell YOU how to make money.. (read: the more uneducated you are.. the fatter their bottom line is!)

    Off Soapbox
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  4. #23
    badkarma506's Avatar
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    Since my storage space is limited, i normally break down everything i can and still have room to walk through the garage. If i cant store it till i can break it down i dont even unload it, it goes straight to the yard, yes i am loosing money but the wife is happier with me. The stuff i do break down if its less than $1 a lb. I dont save it and usually will trade it or give it away to another scrapper. The $1-3 stuff i save as trading stock for more boards.

  5. #24
    Abuilder's Avatar
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    Thank you Sledge
    I almost posted a rather rude post to the same caliper as yours but not pretty.

    If that stuff is not worth breaking down then WHY does him have them catagorized in bins?????

    Edited to ad: Now for the rest of the story. LOL
    Last edited by Abuilder; 01-13-2015 at 09:25 PM.

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  7. #25
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    Beginner scrappers SHOULD try and learn these lessons themselves, As I did. Its the best way to learn.
    It give you better perspective on what is important. -Money and Time!

    He made it clear, If you have a large amount, break them down.
    The video is 100% right IMO. I do everything the same, except for the Items I specialize in, Because I have large amounts.
    Last edited by ParkerFlyer4; 01-13-2015 at 10:00 PM.

  8. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    Big Grain of salt here gents.
    It is a Scrap Yard telling you what is worth your time or not.

    See if they BUY all of that stuff that "Just isn't worth the time" for say .08/lb
    Then toss that gaylord into one of those there shredding machines that grinds all of it up and separates it for them into.. copper.. aluminum.. steel... and garbage-- They make the mint.

    If you are willing to:
    A. Do the work
    B. Learn what makes sense for YOUR time personally
    That is the true lesson of all of this. Don't rely on the yard to tell YOU how to make money.. (read: the more uneducated you are.. the fatter their bottom line is!)

    Off Soapbox
    Like you said its what your time is worth. I just now cut the wires off a p/s and snipped the ends. Took 6 seconds. That's doing it with my left arm in a cast. And iam left handed. I understand the volume thing, but for me I make more cutting wires and I pull the board ,remove the sink,trans,and chokes.

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  10. #27
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkfreak View Post
    Just wondering why you don't cut wire off power supplies.
    If you get prices for power supplies, with and without wire.
    you lose money cutting off the wire as 99% of the weight gets devalued. The weight of wire does not make up for the loss on the whole (simplified form)
    There is a thread on the subject somewhere.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  12. #28
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I clean up copper, aluminum, brass, cut the ends off wire and break down computer towers and cut wire off power supplies.

    I turn in motors whole and some restaurant equipment goes in whole if it's dirty and nasty or going to take too much time and make too much noise to separate the stainless.

    And here's a shocker for you...I MIGHT get 5-6 cans a month so I don't want those nasty things attracting bugs or stinking up the place so unless I get a bagful from someone they go with my steel.
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  14. #29
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    How many Hard drives do you think it would take to pay for the expensive tools you need in order to break them down?

  15. #30
    HiTechMike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    How many Hard drives do you think it would take to pay for the expensive tools you need in order to break them down?
    I can get a HD board off with just a big flathead screwdriver.

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  17. #31
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    How many Hard drives do you think it would take to pay for the expensive tools you need in order to break them down?
    I bought a set at Lowes with T-6 all the way up bits and a screwdriver for $14.95... Whoa.. totally expensive video dude!

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  19. #32
    badkarma506's Avatar
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    Is the best set i found , even has the ones for cable boxes. A whole 29.99

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  21. #33
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    There is one simple conclusion - What is best for each individual, based on one's own needs is what works. There is also a need to reevaluate your process as it's a constantly changing endeavor. You need to get into the water to learn to swim!

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  23. #34
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    This really has me wondering...WHO does take apart all the laptops??? I'm guessing someone, somewhere there isn't a set "minimum wage"

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  25. #35
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralAluminum View Post
    This really has me wondering...WHO does take apart all the laptops??? I'm guessing someone, somewhere there isn't a set "minimum wage"
    I have taken apart a laptop because it was too old and no one could refurb it. I just recently got 3 IBM thinkpad TANKS that I'll look to offload to a local buyer as they won't pay to ship.

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  27. #36
    AdmiralAluminum's Avatar
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    I did it once, like many others have said, and found it to be a waste of time. My coworker who I have designated my IT Guy won't touch them either. We both agree there are too many little PITA screws to bother with.

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  29. #37
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    This is a typical you tube how to. it tells you only what they want you to do or, their way. . Any one (In my opinion) that choses a you tube vid over the knowledge of this forum is an idiot or out right lazy. There are as many different types of scrappers as there are colors of shirts. You tube will only tell you what color of shirt you should wear.

    If your too lazy to do some home work (reading) the loss is yours.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 01-14-2015 at 06:25 PM.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  31. #38
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    where'd you find one for cable boxes?

  32. #39
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    This video can go both ways because saying in general "its not worth it" is an untrue statement. Every scrapper is in a different situation and makes a different amount of money so it could not be worth someones time to cut a motor up, but worth my time to cut it up.

    I cut motor windings out if its the size of my hand or bigger.
    I dis-assemble laptops in the winter when I am slow.
    I have yet to find a buyer for compressors, but all I know is I will not waste the time and the effort to cut them open.
    As for desktops, just because u only get 1 at a time doesn't mean you can't break it down... I could get 1 today, 2 tommorow, 8 the next day and 4 the next day. It all adds up.
    Power supplies = Cut the cord and sell as is.

    I feel like most of rockaways videos are great and informative, but this one kind of let me down. They really shouldn't be telling customers what there time is worth. But also I do not believe it was for profit for them, they seem like great people and they aren't going to screw themselves over by making a video telling people not to scrap stuff so they can do it themselves, thats pure desperate.

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  34. #40
    kevath's Avatar
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