^^ Yup ^^
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^^ Yup ^^
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
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My goal in the future is to self insure. If you can establish a large amount of money for emergencies you can drop health, dental insurance, and save tons of Money. It's obviously not something that happens fast, it's a very long term savings thing but will definitely make you more comfortable you have enough $ to cover yourself and not have to rely on someone who will raise your price without warning and any mistake raises it also. So that's where I want to be later in life, not easy at all, but it's possible
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Devin, that has been considered, the policy as it would be called would be just like a group policy at a workplace. There would be a pool of money to be used for minimum requirements by this new ahca. The amounts are pretty staggering but then...I am told that assets can count towards this. The reality is if something bad were to happen, such as cancer I would be utterly wiped out with or without insurance because I cannot afford the umbrella coverage that DOES handle things like major illnesses/cancer etc.
I pay 450 now for catastrophic, I am told I need more than catastrophic. Not only that he wants to play sports next year and we really cant afford anything like knee injuries. I'm at a loss I feel bad about telling my son we can't play contact sports because we cannot afford the insurance. The state of wisconsin at present so far as I know does not allow cash doctoring...it did in the past but right now I can't find anything about it here. Additionally the Federal system seems to be punishing my state because as soon as I plugged in a california zip code with all the same information my monthly became 470...I smell a rat.
WI ITAD LLC, IT Liquidation Services, we remarket, buy and sell scrap electronics No customer too large or small!
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Taking the hit with the first fine, and probably the second if needed.
Buying Time![]()
Last edited by NHscrapman; 01-14-2015 at 11:36 AM.
There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man
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I plugged my family of 8 into the federal exchange with the same coverage and deductions we have now with my wife's insurance we have now. The premiums were around $1,200.00 a month this is right on par with what her employer pays. This is a personal and a business decision.
I personally think that your clASS is showing with this comment. They feeling that Americans shouldn't take care of the people inside their country(poor or immigrant) is astounding. Also to dehumanize them by calling them SLUGS and SPAWN is clASSless too.
America should have been a single payer system but cooperation and people with a teat in there mouth from the government welfare department for corporation and businesses were opposed. It is also disgusting that we use the disguise that "we all have access to medical care" as a way to justify not giving it to everyone. We all have the right to be treated in an emergency and this is just able to go home healthy not "I am all better" health.
And one final note. My family have in the past bought our own health insurance. It is always more expensive for women due to the fact that pregnancy is expensive. If you look for coverage that does not cover pregnancy it will be hugely cheaper.
I buy Tantalum Capacitors and offer other services. Check out my thread for more info.
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One of many problems with the systems is the abuse. We have a relative who goes to the doctor for every little thing. She went in for five common colds alone in 2014.
If I'm in serious trouble, I'll go in. But, I refuse to be "taken care of" by the government. If the government is the only thing that's keeping me alive, give me a shovel. I'll die digging my own grave before I'd do that.
The problem with insuring everyone is that some of these people are not doing anything at all. I fail to see why I should pay for some obese man who can't get up to use the bathroom. You want free healthcare? Fine. You'll get a job from the Government. You'll clean up highways, work with the DOT in construction, change tires,...
I could probably make as much as I do now by sitting on my rear, doing nothing. Why would I even want to live then?
Is the government the problem? Yes & No. How much medical care could be provided with the BILLIONS of dollars politicians and their special interest groups spend electing are so called "ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES"? You know, the one's that just want to "SERVE" us! The same "PUBLIC SERVANT" that make a elected position a career. What kind of medical care, retirement and quality of life do they enjoy? Is it OK for the government to protect, care and be concerned for it's citizens quality of life? Yes, anyway that's what I thought their job was!
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Sadly this is one of the many issues in america. But don't worry you can always move to the middle east or africa where I am sure of it that there government won't make you take care of people.
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Or, you could just remember back... oh, say, 10 years.
The purpose of Governments (In my mind) is to provide basic services- to protect us from enemy invasion, to provide systems of roads, and to collect taxes for those purposes. The African/Middle East governments fail to do that, as referenced by the constant turmoil of the region. This is the other extreme. If you're guaranteed everything in life, what's the purpose of living?
I know, I know... the purpose of my life is to pay for people to play video games at home and collect my money.
< /Rant>
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Hi Eric,
As an ER Nurse, I can assure you that no patients are turned away from an ER for any emergency, ever. too much liability. We examine and/or treat everyone.
As an American taxpayer, I've been paying for the less fortunate to have healthcare available to them via the government since I first started working. The problems with healthcare isn't who we get insurance from (be it private, or governmental), it's in how we the people have allowed a system to get out of control by the "I don;t care what it costs, Insurance will cover it" mentality. The idea that healthcare is "free" is ridiculous. The idea that it's a right is also silly.
The whole health insurance industry is nothing more than legal gambling, which I wish more people realized. The odds makers take an educated guess on what your health maintenance costs will be (based on your health and risk factors) and charge you slightly more than that to cover their profit. That's what they are in business for. Just like a bookie who does the same illegally for football games. Someone who is young and healthy should have the right to choose to not have insurance if that's how they choose to live. That's called freedom. To penalize them for being healthy and young just so you can get more cash into the pool for the higher risk populations should be illegal. The fact that some of the nonpaying/subsidized healthcare recipients CHOOSE to be in that boat (not all, SOME) is insulting to the rest of us. The American health system (pre Obamma care) was the best and most innovative system on the planet. The repercussions for the governmental takeover of the industry are many. Not the least of which is making our system on par with every other nation with "universal" healthcare. unfortunately, unlike the Canadians, we don't have the option of rapid, quality, effective healthcare if we head south.
Take care,
"I am created Shiva, the Destroyer; death, the shatterer of worlds. The dead night tiger made whole by the Master of Sinanju. Who is this dog meat that dares challenge me?" -Warren Murphy (my Dad!)
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You are right. Since the Constitution was put into place to ensure that we are all treated as equal under the law, and since many receive benefits from the government and pay no money in taxes(by law), Every one of us should receive benefits from the government and pay no taxes. That would fix everything.
Just out of curiosity, how would you generalize people who entered the country illegally, don't work even though physically able, use services without contributing to their own welfare?
Last edited by t00nces2; 01-15-2015 at 07:53 AM.
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Since I didn't hear anyone from NY, I'll chime in. I consider myself lucky for the most part. Back five years when I moved here, Onodaga county put everyone who couldn't afford to, on either Blue Cross Blue Shield or Total Care. I was put on BCBS and my wife was put on Total Care(she wasn't my wife at the time). One year ago today Blue Cross has some huge argument with the state of NY over wanting more money to stay in NY. The state felt that wasn't right so they were walked to the door and Blue Cross left NY all together. It was nice - paid for my dental work(had all my teeth removed from rotten teeth) and would have paid for fertilization pills for my wife as she has Polysistic Ovarian. Total Care wouldn't've touched me with what I needed dental wise if I'd've gone that route. Even tried hunting down a Blue Cross office and that's how I learned they pulled out of the state all together. I hear Total Care's funded by Obamacare now but coverage isn't any better then it was and only applies to my wife as she's on SSI from the Polysistic Ovarian. I feel for anyone who isn't on some sort of insurance. It's one of those things that's around when you don't need it but never there when you do.
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I wanted to elaborate on this before anyone started wondering why I've been quoted such high rates. First I have a preexisting condition that is NOT hereditary it is related to my military service. The medications are expensive and the likelihood of hospitalization every year is probably considered very high to any insurance company. My GI tract has been through alot, my diet very limited and the meds to keep me healthy work well but...like I said are expensive.
Insurance companies take this information...(I thought their patient records were sealed...) and apply it to my son as if it was a hereditary possibility. I cannot "prove" otherwise to them and thus this is where I am at, the lowest tiered quote received going through the federal marketplace is $1200 a month for ONE person, my son...not even myself as I am a disabled vet and covered by VA.
The absolutely hilliaous part bout Obama care is taxing people for health insurance if they can't afford it. Talk about getting kicked while your down. Most people, aside from young adults (18-24), who don't have insurance can't afford it otherwise they would and now your gona rob a person who's already doesn't make enough money, really ?!? And what becomes of all this money ? They never have answered that question.
If you want the govt to provide for you move to China And see how nice their healthcare system is. Besides for all that talk bout How great canda and England's health systems are they still come in by the thousands to get the best health care money can be buy, which is worth every dime if you want to live, here in the good old usa.
Alvord iron and salvage
3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it
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For the record, without getting to political, we canuckleheads only go down to upstate NY and Mass. and wherever, because our gov't still pays for it even if it's in a US clinic. And that's just it, it's the best money can buy because it's getting bought with all that tax $$ you just mentioned, paid out through the insurance companies (or whatever an HMO is) to the clinics. They already have your money, they just won't give you anything for it.
As if our tax system wasn't complicated enough and now give the most powerful agency in our government, more power and now access to our medical information. Maybe we should just combine Homeland Security, the CIA, and the IRS too!
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Who says that they aren't already???
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It's the same boat here. I ran the numbers and health insurance for my wife & myself was going to be about the same as our monthly mortgage. We're just about breaking even as it is. There's just no way we could take on the additional costs even with the government subsidies. The funds just aren't available.
On the other hand ... we've incurred around 10 + k. in medical expenses during the past week. ( Couldn't afford that either. )
We're ****ed if we do and ****ed if we don't.
The helluvit is that if we weren't paying for everyone else's health coverage we might be able to do for ourselves.
The tax penalty for not being insured is like spitting in my face.
I don't like the government very much right now. Just wanna be as far away as possible from the mess they've created.
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Scrappah and all the others in the bind, I'll keep you in my prayers and thoughts.
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