Very true Craigslist is best for buying E-scrap not selling. I'm lucky here in Indy as I'm still getting $3.00 a pound for mother board's. large socket, small socket and metal socket all the same price. I sell all my mother board's, mid grade, low grade and odd board's local, higher grade, hard drive, finger cards and others I save and ship to a buyer in Cleveland OH. My ram memory and cpu's I list on Ebay and normally get 2 to 3 times as much I would selling by the pound. This has worked for me so far. Good luck.
I guess a few minutes posting is still ok with me cause its not always good but always worth the try and for $1.10lb I would sell all my p4's to save a lot of time
Update: Guy that offered me the $5 for everything in my pics, plus a quite a few gold connectors that weren't pictured has text me 3 times since thursday asking if I still have them lol. Probably a sign there's more than $5 worth there? Could be wrong. Funny how tables turn though cause I told him I was looking into selling them to a company online cause it seemed more profitable and now he wants any info I get on doing it cause he has a lot to get rid of too lol. Thought that was funny
ask him if he would take 5 dollars for his items
Like I said it's funny how quick tables turn..Went from him trying to rip me off to wanting me to help him all within 3 or 4 text messages lol
You just never know!
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