Well, I have been threatening to leave NY for years, and it's finally time.
I'll be moving to Rock Hill SC at the end of the month. Open to hanging out, or helping anyone in the area.
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Well, I have been threatening to leave NY for years, and it's finally time.
I'll be moving to Rock Hill SC at the end of the month. Open to hanging out, or helping anyone in the area.
Currently looking for a job in or related to scrap/recycling. Relocation is possible for the right offer.
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Best of luck to you in your move and drive safe.
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Congrats on your relocation. Can you give us any details?
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My roommate went down there for vacation, and found a place for us to rent, so away we go lol.
Looks like there is a decent amount of jobs down there.
You need to register with the sheriffs to do scrap metal.
Gas is under $2 a gallon.
I will be one of 9 people in the state that know how to drive in snow.
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Gotta love Southerners in the snow(especially FL & GA)
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I have a 1996 f250 waiting for me too. straight 6, 5 speed, new spring and helpers, and a tire rack on the back.
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ooo nice.. those straight sixes are bulletproof - ran one dry on accident once without issue.
Makes sense since Ford still makes them for low-end dirt haulers/low-torque vehicles.
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Yep, wish Ford had offered a straight 6 as an option on my year truck but I hear this Tritan V8's ok.
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have fun with moving hopefully the yards there will have better prices so it pays for the move right away
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Hey, be sure to leave me a list of your local contacts before you leave?! lol Good luck on the move, hope it works out great for you!
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Well good luck on your move and have fun in SC when they get 1/2" of snow and the city shuts down. All of that experience isn't going to help when you're surrounded by 1000 idiots that can't drive in the snow. That's what happens in Nashville when there's 1/4" of snow on the roads. Fun stuff. I love driving up north when it's snowing. I like driving in what little snow we get here in Nashville. You just got to leave early for work before everybody else gets out.
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Hey, I live in SC. Not quite that bad. I've lived up north and saw plenty of accidents when it snowed as well. Heck half of the people down here are northern transplants anyway.
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Should move down to Bermuda, work for me and scrap all day. Worst that can happen is we go bust. I can always bust out the cigars and rum....
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There's plenty of accidents around here when it snows and we have almost no southern in-migration folks here. I know if there's snow there will be accidents on the Interstate, especially the one of the west side of the metro. Usually its from two groups of people. The first is from the "I'm a stud and my stud-ly-ness over comes the laws of physics so I don't need to slow down in this stuff or increase my braking distance..." Or its the frantic mom who has way toooo much on their minds and are marginal drivers anyway (probably never took physics and that mass & motion, accerlation and de-accerlation stuff doesn't mean much anyways). I avoid most hassles by going to work around 9 AM. I have no problem eating supper when its dark outside in the winter time...
Last edited by DakotaRog; 01-16-2015 at 02:14 PM.
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well, I am mostly settled in, and have my new truck on the road (96 f250) now i am in search of a job.
anyone in the charlotte/rock hill area want to chat/hang out? maybe someone needs an occasional helper, or someone experienced in ewaste.
I am enjoying the weather down here.
No I'm down on the coast. There is a lot of industry in Charlotte area so I would get a job and start looking for commercial accounts. Most in the ewaste business either know whats up or think they do. It can be difficult but with the knowledge from the forum you can do well. I suggest you make up a price sheet for ewaste items and keep that in your back pocket. I'm not suggesting you share with a potential customer but have it easy for you to remind yourself.
I find asking what the potential customer what arrangements they want and their requirements. The answers can range from the silly to "just get it out of here". Best of luck, Mike
"Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}
Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked
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Congratulations! Cue the pile ups for a dusting of snow.
The Ford 300 is a great engine for what it is, but watch out for the nylon timing gear. Mine left me with a very long walk... naturally in the winter!
Congratulations, and I hope that all goes well!
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An didn't even stop by the sandbar.
Or were you the one I herd with the funky horn...?
Enjoy life in SC, when you get tired of it all come visit NC. We do it much better.
To all my SC'ers...
Sirscrapalot - Starting a war between North and South Carolina.
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