we all love pics and I have yet to start my own thread of my scrapping adventures so I figured I would have some fun sharing all in one place. even the misadventures can be enlightening.
so maybe first a reintroduction:
my name is Travis and I have been scrapping since I was a kid and my love of toys and such things needed money. as I grew so did the ways I scrapped, which
ewaste I started about 5yrs ago but really only in the last few and because of this forum have I been able to grow and make the money I do now.
it has become an obsession now because of all the stuff out there I see $$$$$ everywhere and I am always clamering to try and grab it all lol. which is good its fun and hard work and passes lots of time and gives me the time and money to do so much.
anyway not to ramble on in one post a lot of me and what I do will be apart of this thread, so I hope you enjoy and happy scrapping.