Yea it's pointless..don't do it.
I mean after all..they said we'd never fly. The world was flat. Pot would never be legal. You can't run a vehicle on grease, or electricity. We'll never reach the moon, or place a man on it. We'll never have a black President, or a Woman run for it. Gas will never drop below 3 bucks a gallon again. The $2 dollar bill will never stop being produced.
The funny thing about saying something won't happen is...strange things happen all the time. Canada gave up the penny, New Zealand did also.
To say a law will never change(Pot legal at the state level, fed's backing off on the federal level, decriminalization, etc etc) is just silly. Cause..they have. All those things I listed above people said would never happen.
1. We've put a man on the moon(Save your conspiracy theories).
2. Cars run on grease.
3. Cars run on electric.
4. We have a black President.
5. We've had several women run for President, eventually they'll win it.
6. They stopped producing new $2 bills a long time ago.
7. Gas is well below 3.00 a gallon.
8. Pot is legal in two states, an being made a misdemeanor in more an more states an cities.
9. We fly everywhere. An soon to space via private carriers.
10. The world isn't flat.
Point is..things change all the time. Laws do to. ALL THE TIME.
I get it. Collecting pennies is pointless an worthless to some. Same with scrapping tv's. Guess what though? If it aint' for you..then don't do it. No need to slam someone else for thinking long term an outside of the box. Being as Devin is younger then all of us with the exception of H&S I applaud him for even thinking so far into the future.
There has been plenty of talk over the years of getting rid of the penny, an one day it will happen. Did you know it costs 1.7 cents to make a penny as of 2014? An that rate won't go any lower. Did you know it costs 8 cents to make a nickle? That's a loss. Did you know out of the four coins, only a dime an a quarter cost less to manufacture then what their worth? We could save just shy of 53 million dollars if they stopped making the penny.
link to WSJ article discussing the cost of making a penny.
Just How Much Does It Cost to Make a Penny? - Real Time Economics - WSJ At the bottom of the article are more links to follow if one would like to do more reading.
An another link with some interesting reading..
Penny debate in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One last said it was a waste of money. How so? A penny is worth a penny unless you melt it or sell it to a collector. As Devin said in multiple posts...he's not losing money on the deal unless he suddenly starts paying more then 1 cent for a penny. You go to the bank an you hand them 25.00 they'll hand you 2500 pennies. You decide you don't want to take the pennies back an get your 25 in cash back. There is no loss of money! All he loses is the space he's using to store which is likely a bunch of 5 gallon water jugs(They hold A LOT of pennies). Worse case..he has pennies sitting around to cash out for a rainy day.
What I'm trying to say is...if it ain't for you, why pee in someone else's Cheerios?
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! - Audrey Hepburn
It always seems impossible until its done. - Nelson Mandela
Sirscrapalot -
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. - George Bernard Shaw