Was in town on other business today and went by an auto body shop where I routinely pick up their scrap. I brought the donuts and they provided the coffee on break.
Took the load of 1700 lbs to the scrapyard about 6 blocks away. Mostly hoods, panels etc but included one front clip of a car and some paint cans. Prices have dropped again to $70 for prepared (short) iron, $50 for long iron and $10......yes TEN DOLLARS per net ton for car bodies. My load should have gone as shred (car bodies) but they gave me the $50 value. Total load was $42.50 and my share was half of that. VIP bonus was $12.75. My bonus is $5 per ton more than they're paying for a ton of shred. There was another guy in there with a small jag on his pickup. It must have only been 120 lbs as his check was for 60 cents. He weighed across the truck scale. He got .005 cents per lb. ($10/ton).
Here was my load.