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Decent Find :)

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    nyjetsfanx93 started this thread.
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    Decent Find :)

    Was Driving down my street last night around 1am coming home from a gig and as I pass a house I saw something out of the corner of my eye... it didnt register until I got 2 houses past what it was... I back up...
    It was all the copper pipes and the small pressure tank and all the brass fittings you would see around a boiler and hot water heater in a home...

    probably about 10lbs of copper pipes, another 10 in Brass Fittings, not sure what the tank is made of but still a nice find to be just laying at the curb on a non trash day
    I love my neighbors.. Ive made so much cash off stuff they have thrown away

  2. #2
    rca987's Avatar
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    This is true, I'll often find things people leave out on the curb, not even on trash days, for instance just last week I found a cast iron double sink and an old stove, from someone upgrading their interior.

    Always good to keep an eye peeled.

  3. #3
    parrothead's Avatar
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    I like it when people leave money laying beside the road for me to pick up.

  4. #4
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    awesome, that happened to me too this week too!

    it was paper recycling night... but some people decided to put out the following, which i found in this order AND on roads that i was travelling on anyway! --- 1 big AC unit, but someone already removed the wires & alum/copper fins and all other #2... then an empty 55 gallon drum.... then a big bbq grill with a bunch of metal grills & pots inside (this forced me to move the drum into my back cab)... then some type of exercise machine...took about 50lbs off it, the rest was rusted together and i had little room in the bed and wasn't about to start sawing it into pieces on the side of the road... but then about 3 blocks down someone was throwing out an ironing board, so i stuffed it in the side!

    too bad the next night, which is regular+bulk garbage night, i got next to nothing.... the combined load with some insulated i already had edded up around $70

    garbage night is a weird phenomenon.... i'll never understand why one night there is something to pick up everywhere you go, and the very next there is not a dang piece of metal anything anywhere...

  5. #5
    junkdude1959's Avatar
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    My last garbage day run netted me 4 vacuums,1 shampooer(works), a matching set of end tables,2 baby strollers Good condition and a small boys bicycle (only problem...flat tire...Hmmm!!!) 3 of the vacs. had the cords cut off, but still consisted of the inside cord, excess wires and motors. I washed the cloth material on the strollers and cleaned up the end tables for the flea mkt. Ended up with 6 motors, copper wiring and a small amount of brass. Also picked up a dish washer off craigs list that was all metal (most have plastic bodies, From it I got some stainless steel, brass fitting, copper wiring and a good size motor... All in all a good craigs list and trash day....As for the shampooer, I cleaned it up and out, it works fine...

  6. #6
    rca987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lawn Island Scrapper View Post
    awesome, that happened to me too this week too!
    garbage night is a weird phenomenon.... i'll never understand why one night there is something to pick up everywhere you go, and the very next there is not a dang piece of metal anything anywhere...
    Typically this happens because someone(s) has already cleaned up before you. When this happens to me, I'll start checking the no outlet or culdesacs for stuff. Most of the time, everyone in search of metal skips these places.

  7. #7
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    yeah, it makes sense that there are just more guys out doing it now... i never used to come across an appliance with the cord already cut, in the last year its become a 50/50 chance

  8. #8
    NJSouth's Avatar
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    My FAVORITE kind of find is when I come home and found that my neighbor dumped a bunch of scrap metal in my pile!! I took some junk off his hands last year and I guess he appreciated it. He dumped mostly light iron, about 300lbs, but also left me two aluminum cam shafts from his dragster. Nothing better than when they bring it to you!!

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