I hadn't heard from my IT contact at an accounting firm in a while about any
escrap to get rid of and I worried he'd maybe decided to do something with it himself. On a whim I gave him a call to see if he had anything he wanted to get rid of. On the phone he says, "I do have a little bit of stuff to get, I keep forgetting to call you about it." It turns out that his "little bit" was two pickup loads of towers, servers, phones, copiers, wire, hard drives, laptop cases, and a half dozen lcd monitors (which I got rid of for him as a favor, he gives me all the other stuff for free, I'm not gonna be stingy!)
Bonus round, after I loaded up all this stuff, he called and asked me if I'd be interested in picking up BIGGER loads like this from their other offices scattered around the southeast part of the state. After tax season is over, I'm gonna be taking some day trips!