how is all my fellow scrapers doing been away from the forum awhile
due to the lack of internet service one of them things the phone company call nonpayment,o well got around that lost my company paid phone and they sent me one of them new phone that they call a smart phone anyhow it got one of them new features call tethering.and pawpaw done went and learnt how to use it. shred down to .05lb down here in the south and everthing else down too my last trip to yard had 4230 lb shred and assorted other stuff had a 609.00 payday that was bout a month ago shred was at .10 lb still bringing it home piling it up things will get better. saw some post about some quiters must not be real scrapers wel bout time for the 9 to 5 glad to be back yall have a goo day