I can think of so much money lost to auto tickets or bounce fees , and other fees , fees , fees . expenses OK so we all know what I'm saying
so just for the record ever so often I'll buy some copper bullion and it's whacked as after all I sell copper to yards, but for fun yeah I like some clean copper as bullion . Recently I picked up a 1 pound round coin along with my silver purchase
for $8 yup $5.35 over spot on copper any way can't sell copper to a yard at spot.
the silver was .77 over spot & free shipping.
1 AVDP pound .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round | Walking Liberty design
It's a nice hefty piece educational in some ways dazzles the kids even .
Am I gonna corner the market so I have a 1000 pounds of - one # rounds nope but I might waste $6 once in a wile .
The argument of it being a waste can be made by individuals who never make mistakes of wasted money & make perfect investments
Let me tell you my life is annoying I have spun my wheels plenty . I have paid my taxes X 2 in life and as I hold this overpriced - one # copper round in hand I don't mind the reduced % of value that I own and is tangible compared to The crap of life.
So once and for all why is copper bullion so excessive over spot . Spot price is the true gauge of how yards decide on the margin of purchasing our scrap copper & clearly it's the gauge when you sell off some silver & buy .
Unless we except silver is actually over priced and we don't give it a thought . Silver is .80 over & deals of .60 over for brand new minted coins also .
Since brand new minted silver at .80 over from spot price is reality . I just don't see why copper is so excessive over spot for new minted coins .
For the sake of consistency silver should also be excessive for new minted bullion ? but it's not .
To sum it up silver / Gold you can take a peek at the spot
and figure buying and selling Tight to spot.
Yet copper's got the inconsistency or is it ??