I myself have been in this situation. We had tried to land a local discount store chain. It was only when we used the route of having my son's high school cross country team as the middle man that it worked. The discount store has also told me that they have had multiple contacts for companies to purchase their
e-waste. Fortunately the company has thought that helping a local school has been a good thing for them. I have been able to either have cross country team members and coaches help on a limited basis and have actually hired a few of the team members to help with tear down on the weekends. I have ended up spending a wee bit more than if I had purchased the material, but not enough to worry about. I can legitimately say that I have been contributing to the cross country team also.
The team has more money to uniforms, shoes, and events than they have every had in the past. It has been a good deal for both of us.
Diggydiggy, olddude and armygreywolf all have the right idea. I can say that this method can work.