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recently or currently in the hospital - Page 2

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  1. #21
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Rest up and recover soon there Ohio Scrapper. A person wonders how many people are alive today or lived a lot longer because the ability to open heart blood vessels with stints. Its amazing what they can do basically watching a camera or a live action x-ray...

    As for my post gb recovery, yeah, I wish it would have been as easy as just farting Unfortunately, the co2 gas they use to blow ya belly up to see better doesn't get into those pipes but just sort is slowly absorbed in the rest of the body. So in the case of the "shoulder" pain the gas bubble migrates somewhere up in the thoracic cavity outside of the organs and causes pressure. But the unblocked over the incisions sneezes hurt the worse but were short lived.

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  3. #22
    charn's Avatar
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    In any type of medical building, the waiting is usually worse than the illness. My last time in was 4 hours for a cut finger.

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  5. #23
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    get well soon
    Old dogs care about you even when you make mistakes;
    God bless little children while they're still too young to hate

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  7. #24
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I told my Dr. that if I had to go to the hospital one more time that I was going to have my mail transferred there. Been in there 3 times since last March. 2 different go-rounds of pneumonia & water in the lungs and last Sept. was my heart ablation for the arrhythmia's. Getting to know them on a first name basis and that's not a good thing.

    Edit, usually around 8 or 9 days each time.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 03-07-2015 at 06:48 PM. Reason: added info
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  9. #25
    mthomasdev started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I told my Dr. that if I had to go to the hospital one more time that I was going to have my mail transferred there. Been in there 3 times since last March. 2 different go-rounds of pneumonia & water in the lungs and last Sept. was my heart ablation for the arrhythmia's. Getting to know them on a first name basis and that's not a good thing.
    At 43, my first overnight that I know of. Going on 4 nights now. Hopefully this will be my last stay for many more years.

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  11. #26
    jonnyjeb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    @ DakotaRog
    I've never had gall bladder problems but in my 51 years I have become very efficient in relieving "air bubbles".
    My gall bladder is coming out in 2 days. Must admit, a little apprehensive but hey, if it'll stop what I
    ve been going thru, it'll be worth it. BTW, any scrap value to a slightly used gall bladder?
    Last edited by jonnyjeb; 03-07-2015 at 09:04 PM.

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  13. #27
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Maybe. The Chinese buy bear gall bladders don't they....

    Maybe its a good thing but I only have a picture of it. My surgeon said he had done about 2,000 lap gall bladder removals (can't remember the proper name) and mine ranked up in the top 1% of the nastiest organs!! I hope yours is a piece of cake!!

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  15. #28
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Get better all!

    Anyone else gets sick an I'm posting cat videos. Now stay healthy.

    Sirscrapalot -Be Careful when reading health books, you may die of a misprint. - Mark Twain

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  17. #29
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mthomasdev View Post
    At 43, my first overnight that I know of. Going on 4 nights now. Hopefully this will be my last stay for many more years.
    I do hope you are feeling better.

    I can't send balloons or a bear from the gift shop but I'm getting ready to go to the garage and scrap a server and some other things. I'll send you some e-porn later and maybe you can look at it while getting a sponge bath.

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  19. #30
    mthomasdev started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyjeb View Post
    My gall bladder is coming out in 2 days. Must admit, a little apprehensive but hey, if it'll stop what I
    ve been going thru, it'll be worth it. BTW, any scrap value to a slightly used gall bladder?
    In case I forget tommorrow, hope all goes well and your hospital stay is short.

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  21. #31
    mthomasdev started this thread.
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    Update - finally got released today after a 5 day stay. Had my crutches go out from under me as soon as I got home and landed on the floor. Luckily, I don't think I did anything. Hopefully I won't be in the hospital again for many many years. I'd like to thank everybody for their support and we'll wishes. It all helped keep my spirits up when I was having a tough time. I hopened this thread stays active for others needing support. Thank you again to everyone here at SMF.
    Last edited by mthomasdev; 03-10-2015 at 05:35 AM.

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  23. #32
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I'm glad you're home and doing better.

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