My problem with them is...everyone says.."What's the big deal?!" 20 years ago an now I get the joys of dealing with the mess every time i go fishing, walking, etc.
I ain't worried about the landfill. I'm worried about me, my dog, someones kids, someone else's pets, etc stepping on glass cause someone was a lazy ass an decided to chuck their tv in the woods, or on the curb, even though they know the trash people won't pick up anything outside a can.
Tubes left to sit end up broken. By tweekers, kids who think their funny, an dumbasses. People like me end up stepping on that **** or cleaning it up. So to those who say whats the big deal..Next time someone I know, or their pet steps on broken tube glass I'll send you the vet or ER bill.
My beef is an always has been with the people who just ignore it sitting on the street. Guess what..ignoring things doesn't make them vanish! Ask the Government about that. It doesn't work with anything else. No magic tube elf is going to magic it away.
Nobody says you have to break them down, or deal with them. I just ask you at lest pick the **** thing up an put it in a dumpster or something. Not left to become broken an a hazard to any poor soul who happens to be walking.
An yea.. I know weird. People still walk. I walk up to 5 to ten miles a day an that's not counting work. So bugs me, big time.
I need to put something on my soapbox, it's getting worn out from all the use of late. LOL
( This post was not directed at anyone, or anything. It was to just rant on people leaving tubes laying around to be damaged. Any feelings, egos or anything else hurt in the making of this post are on you, an not the Author. The Author will sell you some fish scales or metal tho to help thicken you up.
) - End disclaimer
Sirscrapalot - Some days you just want to be the potato smasher an not the potato.