So I decided to put an ad up on Craigslist on Monday for junk clean up appliance removal ect. just to see what would happen. Today at work I get a text from a guy who has some stuff left from an ex room-mate the biggest things are a few plastic storage tubs and a desk. I told him 80 bucks and he said great when can you do it. So now I've got something to do on my day off next week.
Ill look threw the stuff to see if there's anything worth reselling dosent sound like there will be much scrap wise. Other than that I've been wanting some plastic storage tubs and most of the rest can probably go to goodwill. I'm excited maybe I can turn this into some decent income if I can score a few more jobs. All in all I'm new to the paid junk removal business and I know some of you do a lot of it. What do you guys think price wise, and any pointers. Would like to have some
business cards to give the guy but they wont be here until the end of next week.