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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Maybe I need some sense slapped into me But I buy copper about $25 per month
    so I have built up a unique colection of OZ. copper bars some one pound stuff
    It comes down to the casual selling of scrap and some $$ used for the questionable investment ratio bullion copper

    Yet I am drawn to it like a moth to a lamp . I purchase silver and include some copper to get the free shipping . The only logical place to resell is Ebay and wile prices hold well competition is vast .

    I'll get like 7 oz of silver & a 1 pound copper bar and what do I marvel at - the copper. I pack away the silver with hardly a look but the copper is special ??

    When I think of the profits from scrap copper & Scrapping all metals in the years I scrapped - investment bullions have not come close to a simple find like the $50 profit from a batch of AL venetian blinds I found yesterday and such and such , Scrap has profit . So far bullion is at best a Hedge
    not even proven for me completely . Scrap is proven - find it sell it.

    Any way scrap sales have exceeded my bullion holdings AG CU so that means Scrap has purchased all my AG CU - next need to work on Gold .

    So I must confess I want CU AG & Gold & scrap buys it .
    any way just a rant - hope not misguided
    Last edited by Copper Head; 04-05-2015 at 12:56 AM.

  2. #2
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    CH- I'll admit that copper is a pretty metal and compliments other metal colors. And having a few Cu bullion pieces and artwork stuff would be cool. But I don't where its long term value is beyond what the spot price is at any given time? Does (has) Cu the ability to greatly and quickly appreciate under crises or bull markets like the precious metal seem to have? Personally, I'd try put some money away to buy some rural land, especially if some of it is tillable. A lot more initial investment even for a small piece but they don't make land anymore of it here in the states and if things go bad, a person could relocate to it and potentially live off of it or sell products that come from it.

    But, to each his own...

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  4. #3
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    For store of value Gold would be the choice of champions .
    Copper is fun but practical not really, But one never knows
    as humans create value , It seems there are forces that are trying to create a copper bullion market
    but even I see there is just too much free flowing copper to be found . Long term like 50 years
    100 years if copper is hard to find in common areas , then probably Cu will have it's day . It's all up to human development
    society decided 5000 years ago Gold is treasured , cities were conquered for it . Wile industrial use is real , most gold is in the form of bullion or jewelery
    never to be any thing other then that , generation after generation .
    It seems that silver has joined the ranks of being bullion for life also .
    Will copper ?
    I think so but not in our time .
    All us scrappers have been & are the foundation to help copper grow to be a
    bullion commodity some day . Nothing gets by us , Motors - TV's - Wires Ballast - Transformers - down to the little motor that spins a micro wave plate .
    or the pittance of copper found on a board .
    Us scrappers are the urban miners our product is bing melted and stashed away for non use at a significant amount , wile plenty is reused ,
    our work is the planting of a future for copper as treasured bullion
    Buy 10 Pound Copper Bullion Bars (.999, 10 LB) l JM Bullion
    In 100 years I just don't think this will be considered a joke
    but we will all just be a digital memory .
    Last edited by Copper Head; 04-06-2015 at 05:29 AM.

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  6. #4
    copycat's Avatar
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    You should be careful buying copper bullion. Alot from china not pure copper. Some large bars have other metals in the center.
    I save copper wire and copper pennies, nickels. If you want to save gold, save some e-scrap. Anything with gold has value. Just a waiting game.

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  8. #5
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Dishonesty with china bars , enhances a truth of the value of copper .
    I know cash is king as after all thats what the system is . Regardless of the convinced value put on
    Gold and Silver .Cash is the end result you sell for.
    If one day copper is scarce and a conceived value is developed due to those who have bars
    & controlled like gold by governments massive bullion stashes it will be a sad day to me

    I think when the common guy/gal can - hunt find prepare -and be handed $100 and more for not excessive labor ,
    it will be a loss of freedom when and or if Copper would be gone from easy areas of consumer goods for the free find .

    There are forces that want our free find copper , To get copper to suit their wishes will be to our loss of the free find.

    U.S. National Debt Clock
    US Debt Ceiling Visualized: Stacked in $100 dollar bills @ $16.394 Trillion Dollars

    Hey gimme back my copper

    I'm gonna save some Cu just in case
    Last edited by Copper Head; 04-12-2015 at 10:06 AM.

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  10. #6
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    U.S. National Debt Clock

    if this is on the level , were in troble
    hitting refresh on browser you see how fast our dept is growing .
    We are F*****

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